can we get some more iphone users, especially the 4.0 users. I want a real conversation going. So crackalaka bring all your buddies.
Just so you know I have a Droid and iPhone (1st generation still) (on both networks ATT and Verizon) And while the Droid does have some good features especially when compared to the original iPhone In terms of use I still find myself going back to the iPhone more and more, and in respect to marketing and Apple being the "first" the phones we have today would be nowhere near what the are without the iPhone forcing the other companies to "step up" their game in order to compete, (which is not a bad thing at all) Remember when the Razrs came out on Motorola Those were 600.00 phones and "state of the art" at the time which was just a few years ago, and now they give them away. Now I also have an iPhone4 that I purchased for my son and the OS is very nice, and there's nothing wrong with Android but the ease of use and compatibility especially with transferring Movies and music. iv'e tried many different programs on both the Mac and PC and nothing matches the OS on the iPhone. As time goes by and I have a chance to dig a little further into IOS4 I can compare it better to android.
Did you try doubletwist to sync your itunes? I find it very simple to transfer files even without any program to help. Just click and drag.