I'm not versed (at all) in patent law, but wouldn't google be covered by "prior art" in these circumstances, since they implemented both of these things before the patent was granted? Let say I filed for a shoe lace patent (assuming there never was one). I can't then go back and sue every shoe manufacturer that's made a shoe with laces...
Apple seems like a bully that's been challenged (like that skinny Australian kid that got body slammed) and now all they can do is taddle and point fingers as a last ditched effort.
If what Apple is trying to patent is a simple Face Unlock like ICS has, I see no way they'd be granted this patent. However, that doesn't seem to be what they're trying to do. If people just read the actual article instead of going crazy they'd see there's far more to this than just a face unlock:
1) There's a "presence" indicator to what they're proposing, where you don't have to turn on the phone to have it work. You pick up the phone, it senses you are there, scans your face, turns the phone on and unlocks itself all without any input from the user at all
2) From the article itself: "Apple mentions that the software would isolate unique facial features in addition to specific skin tones to recognize a face. The software would memorize the attributes to the face, but the user may potentially have to reset the scan after any form of facial plastic surgery or something as simple as a sunburn"
3) The patent was filed for in 2010. Meaning it was filed for...in 2010. Not sure why everyone is going bezerk over this. It's an old patent that was filed for in 2010, that is just now being disclosed.
So, this leads to only two possible conclusions. 1) It's EXACTLY like Face Unlock, in which case the patent WON'T be granted, or 2) It's NOTHING like Face Unlock, in which case if Apple tried to sue Google for it, the case would be ruled in Google's favor because they are not using the same implementation.
Of course, stating the facts makes me a troll and a douchebag to the fanboys who can't take a few seconds to actually read the article. But, as per the usual, it's far easier to just bash Apple without any facts, because you know, they're evil....:icon_ devil: