wow I have read some extremely disrespectful posts in this thread. I just don't why anyone feels they have the right to call out people for "having bad credit" or being financially strapped. You guys should think about the crap your saying before you post it. You sound extremely ignorant.
No ignorance is when you try to point out someone you think is being ignorant, nuthing we have said was in any way disrespectful. This is a free country and we all have the right to speak our minds. Im sorry i work my ass off so people can live on welfare........AT LEAST HERE IN MICHIGAN THERE WILL NOW BE A 24 MONTH CAP ON IT.....BOUT TIME. The main statement i was making in all this BS is the fact that apple wants to spend 7.8 billion just so they can make it harder for others to compete.......Does no one understand how this sounds IGNORANT OR STUPID that a company will spend this kind of money just to make it harder for others. why caint apple just give the familys of the USA some of that money instead of using it to bully there way to the top......A company that is willing to spend this kind of cash on market share and not development will never have me owning one of there products. A TURD IS STILL A TURD NO MATTER WHAT WAY IT LAYS IN THE TOILET.........:icon_evil: