Apple May Have Resized Photos Again in Samsung Case

I think you're too caught up in corporate conspiracy theories to see what's going on in this case. First off, let me preface by saying I didn't say that all companies are on the up a and up and honest. that would be as silly as me saying the iphone is flawless.

The difference between the companies you're listing and apple should be obvious (again, to those who aren't on some weird mission to fault apple for world hunger).

These companies were obviously corrupt, committing egregious crimes in the hopes that they would not be caught. In a word: stupid. In apples case, they're bringing a case to the courts against someone else, and you're suggesting that they would knowingly allow this evidence to be presented hoping that no one would find out?

Further, in the case documents apple acknowledges the size differences between the two devices. So you're further suggesting that they knowingly gave the correct info and then thought "maybe the judge won't read the docs and we can fool him!"and provided conflicting info elsewhere in a deliberate attempt to fool the court?

Third, the actual devices would clearly have to be shown in court during the proceedings. So now your suggestion is they provided the correct info in one doc, purposely tried to fool the court in another, and hoped they got the one blind judge in the german court who wouldn't be able to discern the physical differences between the two devices when (not if) the actual devices were shown in court?

Like I said hating on apple and corporate conspiracies are definitely the sexier story. But the fact is what you're suggesting remains nothing more then a silly notion.

But I don't hate Apple, and I don't need to get caught up in corporate conspiracy theory because I can't sit on my couch or walk out the door without tripping over several a day.

And I'm not saying I necessarily believe any top Apple execs deliberately set out to doctor and mislead...what I am saying is that I don't DISBELIEVE it either...

You claim a 'difference' between Apple and 'those others'...I wouldn't bet on your perception of them.

How many people, much like yourself and Apple, were enthralled and believed the Martha Stewart Living persona? She went to federal prison for money crimes and lying to court officials/investigators. I'm sure this type of thing is way more rampant than just the ones you hear about!
As someone mentioned earlier, the app drawer is open on the SII while the iPhone is on the home screen. My question is, did Apple remember to say that in their documents or did they leave that out? Because if the image was sporting an Android home screen instead...that's a lot of their argument on similar looks out the window, at least in terms of interface. Right?
As someone mentioned earlier, the app drawer is open on the SII while the iPhone is on the home screen. My question is, did Apple remember to say that in their documents or did they leave that out? Because if the image was sporting an Android home screen instead...that's a lot of their argument on similar looks out the window, at least in terms of interface. Right?
Actually, the app drawer isn't open, rather, they've filled the homescreen with apps. Still cheap though imo.
I just think its funny how on an Android forum, there are quite a few people who jump on here and instantly try to run to the rescue of crApple. LOL. Google is buying out Motorola, HTC is suing crApple. It will be the end for them soon and they will end up like the HP phones that no one buys anymore. Innovation over corporation.

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Actually, the app drawer isn't open, rather, they've filled the homescreen with apps. Still cheap though imo.

I had to go back and make sure after this But it is the app drawer open. Look from the 55 sec mark:


What might throw some ppl off is Samsung has those nav dots up top on the homescreen too.
Actually...the 3rd phone in the OP was the clue too. Its on a Galaxy S home screen in that pic. The bottom row of icons is different.
Ahh the News section and no

Not the bottom row of icons....but the last icon to the right is different. And the app drawer has a somewhat transparent background to all 4 icons. The home screen doesnt. If anything the app drawer and icons in there looks like iOS, but not Touchwiz overall.
I just think its funny how on an Android forum, there are quite a few people who jump on here and instantly try to run to the rescue of crApple. LOL. Google is buying out Motorola, HTC is suing crApple. It will be the end for them soon and they will end up like the HP phones that no one buys anymore. Innovation over corporation.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums

I think it's funny that people have so much hatred in the heart for a company and it's boss........
I just think its funny how on an Android forum, there are quite a few people who jump on here and instantly try to run to the rescue of crApple. LOL. Google is buying out Motorola, HTC is suing crApple. It will be the end for them soon and they will end up like the HP phones that no one buys anymore. Innovation over corporation.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums

also as much as this is going to kill you and a lot of others here, Apple isn't going anywhere. They just posted their most lucrative quarter ever and are now the wealthiest company in the world, so I am not sure why you would think they are suddenly going to go extinct. I am no apple fanboy but I am not an android fanboy either, while some people can legitimately give reasons why they don't like Apple most people just follow the crowd and have no real reason to hate other than because someone says they should. It's not even so much defending Apple as it is being able to speak and think logically on the subject because I don't allow hate to blur my thoughts.
"I think you're too caught up in corporate conspiracy theories to see what's going on in this case. First off, let me preface by saying I didn't say that all companies are on the up a and up and honest. that would be as silly as me saying the iphone is flawless. "

Straw man much? Those example he used are from real life examples, no X-Files conspiracy needed. I don't know if you work or are part of meetings that decide these issues, I have and I assure you many things and ideas get run up the flag pole. I have heard many things that made me cringe, not illegal but diffidently not nice things (over charging for example.) If I was on the legal team I would show the same type of photo. The point is to win, destroy the opposition.
Did the judges actually hold the phones and use rulers to compare the dimensions? I bet they held them and looked at the pictures.

From the original article Dutch I think, said the pics were documents submitted to the court.

What does hating Apple have to do with it? This is Apple's evidence, not something we came up with.
By the way I don't hate Apple I just love my Droid. They (Apple) should protect their patents, but making up evidence it's the way.
also as much as this is going to kill you and a lot of others here, Apple isn't going anywhere. They just posted their most lucrative quarter ever and are now the wealthiest company in the world, so I am not sure why you would think they are suddenly going to go extinct. I am no apple fanboy but I am not an android fanboy either, while some people can legitimately give reasons why they don't like Apple most people just follow the crowd and have no real reason to hate other than because someone says they should. It's not even so much defending Apple as it is being able to speak and think logically on the subject because I don't allow hate to blur my thoughts.

It's not going to kill me at all. I own no crApple devices and will stay that way. I could care less if they stick around forever. I have no hatred for that company at all. Just love when people get on here and say stuff like "All my friends own iPhones and they never complain about it rebooting on it's own and having all kinds of issues." I know tons of people that have the same issues with iPhones as others do with their Droids. My mother-in-law bought an iPhone just 2 weeks ago and within 24 hours took it back and got the Droid Charge. The fact remains that Apple simply cannot innovate better than what the competition is so they are trying to halt sales of competitors. I don't hate Apple, however, why can't they just come up with their own stuff instead of just trying to sue everyone? Come up with your own ideas. It' not that hard. It's a shot in the dark but maybe HTC will get lucky and win their lawsuit which will ban the sales of all Apple products in the U.S..
It's not going to kill me at all. I own no crApple devices and will stay that way. I could care less if they stick around forever. I have no hatred for that company at all. Just love when people get on here and say stuff like "All my friends own iPhones and they never complain about it rebooting on it's own and having all kinds of issues." I know tons of people that have the same issues with iPhones as others do with their Droids. My mother-in-law bought an iPhone just 2 weeks ago and within 24 hours took it back and got the Droid Charge. The fact remains that Apple simply cannot innovate better than what the competition is so they are trying to halt sales of competitors. I don't hate Apple, however, why can't they just come up with their own stuff instead of just trying to sue everyone? Come up with your own ideas. It' not that hard. It's a shot in the dark but maybe HTC will get lucky and win their lawsuit which will ban the sales of all Apple products in the U.S..

Yeah I agree it is foolish to say Apple products are without flaws, all tech products are and probably always will have flaws so long as their is human element involved. As far as Apple suing everyone, it does suck but at the same time they were awarded patents that they never should have been, so unfortunately that gives them the right to sue to ridiculous things like app icons and phone shape and what not. Like they say hate the game not the player, haha.