Apple Successfully Blocks Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Sales in Australia

If Samsung infringed Apple's patents and copyrights than this is good news.

If you can't innovate, just steal Apple's technologies and designs.

+1...the courts ruled on this, not Steve Jobs or Apple. Clearly Samsung infringed or it's pretty clear that there is evidence they infringed.

-1 Please take the time and do some reading on this. No court has ruled on Apple's filing. Nor has any court ruled on Samsung's counter.

try to keep up with the progression of the thread...
Apple is angry...they're losing customers...they're gonna sue. Aren't they suing htc as well?

The ipad2 has a drop down notification like android has, new iphone will have it.

I'm surprised none of these companies are suing back
Apple is angry...they're losing customers...they're gonna sue. Aren't they suing htc as well?

The ipad2 has a drop down notification like android has, new iphone will have it.

I'm surprised none of these companies are suing back

They're definitely not losing customers, they just reported their highest earnings ever and are now the wealthiest company on earth. They have more money than the US govt technically does.

To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
Apple is angry...they're losing customers...they're gonna sue. Aren't they suing htc as well?

The ipad2 has a drop down notification like android has, new iphone will have it.

I'm surprised none of these companies are suing back

If by losing customers you mean gaining more customers then they ever have in their history with no sign if slowing down, then yes they are hemorrhaging customers.
Google would have more money if they quit buying everything up.

Sent from my Incredible 2
Im not surprised I mean lets look at the track record:










Im pretty sure in those pics theres widgets that iOS does not have their just trying to halt android into developing better products....