Silver Member
Google is handling this with such wisdom.Their letting Apple hang themselves.
One bad Apple spoils the whole bunch. I imagine an appeal is already in the works. It keeps the legal teams busy. I think companies should be limited to how many patent base law suits they can file in one year. I really don't see why Apple is so focused on Samsung but I would think it's safe to say that if you want the closest thing to an iPhone without getting an iPhone go with a Samsung phone, clearly they're similar enough to warrant this bullying from Apple.
If you think the judge is biased, then you obviously haven't been following along. This was the same judge that ruled against banning the Galaxy Tab 10.1 but was overruled by an appeals. I think she also denied Apple's request to block the S III, but that was due to time constraints.
MissionImprobable said:Actually if you take a look she is the same one who just ruled earlier last week that the Tab 10.1 should be banned.
" On Tuesday, Judge Koh granted a preliminary injunction against the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet in the U.S. in another patent dispute between Apple and Samsung."
Last paragraph of this article: Computerworld India News | Samsung Seeks Stay on Injunction Against Galaxy Nexus Smartphone |
You can do a Google search if you don't believe me, but you should hurry in case Apple is granted a patent for online searches as well.
Apple and Samsung have billions of dollars in the bank. Let them fight it out. Samsung will not stop making kick ass phones, and Apple will not stop suing in spite of it. If the judge had stopped the sell of the Gnex before I purchased it, I would have gotten something else. No big deal.
What I said in my post was that she initially ruled against banning the Tab 10.1, but an appeals court forced her to go back and re-evaluate, which in turn led to the ban. She may have issued the Nexus ban because she felt the same thing would happen again.
Here are the forum posts with the articles I was referring to:
It is a big deal, ignorant judges are making silly and wrong decisions and stiffing competition. Remember Apple getting the swipe to unlock patent, except it had been around for years. Google still hasn't been given the patent for the notification bar, but Apple uses it.
It is pending though which is great. If it's granted Apple will have to pay a licensing fee to use it or remove it from their OS which I'm sure customers who have come to see how great notifications are, even Apple's horrible implementation of them, will resent. Whatever happens Apple can get stuffed.