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Are we Dead Yet (Root Users)?

Root is still not dead for me. Mainly for two important reasons. First, ADS!!! Popup ads have begun to get out of hand, and without an ad blocker using the phone is even more irritating than using a PC based web browser. It's far easier to click that tiny X on the desktop with a mouse than to first find it and then hit it accurately on the phone's screen.

Second, wireless tether. I still think it's a crime that Verizon blocks it on the phones, only to sell it as an "added feature" at $1/day (i.e. $30/month). I agree that there are some who abuse it extremely, but if I'm tethering a tablet to the phone, I'm not "stealing" any data. If I couldn't tether, then I'd be doing the exact same browsing, watching of a movie, or other data communications right on the phone instead. The only reason I would tether a tablet for instance is so I can use the larger screen.

In the case of lending a data connection to my son, I do that rarely in the car, or when we're out somewhere and there's no WIFI so he doesn't become completely bored stiff. His alloted GB of data can get used up quick, so if he weren't tethered and we weren't in a WIFI location his data would go black. All in all, it might add perhaps eat a few extra GB per month from my unlimited plan, but again, if I couldn't tether him, he would either use my phone, or his mother's (which he does often), both of which are on unlimited, so again, no extra data, just data to a different device.
Let me say, that I haven't wiped a program yet that came with my laptop or desktop, because both run smoothly as is and I have to real desire to tweak them as such. That said, if there were software causing a major problem or simply interfering with functionality that I needed, I could uninstall it, replace it if necessary, and be done. Examples have been mentioned in this thread of exactly what the removal of that kind of user control can cause problems on handhelds, and I won't ever support disallowing user control over what is done with phones.

The only exception that I see as a place to argue from is when customers use the contract systems in which they are essentially 'renting' their devices from the service provider and return it every year or two years, having never actually owned it. If, however, they choose to buy it at the end of that term, it should be theirs in whole, to do with as they see fit. There is very, very little to be argued in saying that heavily locked down hardware benefits anyone but the phone manufacturers and cell providers; it is not done the sake of good will towards consumers.

I agree, but sadly there are many who fail to understand personal responsibility. If I brick my phone I can not go to the manufacturer demanding a replacement because of "software issues". You brick your phone and you have insurance then pay the money, if you do not have insurance then either figure out how to unbrick your device or eat the cost.
For the record you can use an app like Adguard to rid your device of ads without root, it works through the devices VPN capabilities. It works great as well.

That said, I need root because I need it. If I can't get in there and get dirty with the kernel then I am not happy. When an app is acting up I don't want to go in the control panel to kill it, I want it to die now, I need curl, I need busybox, I need lots of native applications that aren't included and couldn't be used without root.
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Compared to just a year or two ago, root really isn't needed on today's latest flagship devices. Flashing different kernels doesn't make a difference on the latest models, and you'll be hard pressed to find a root only app that doesn't have a non root compatible that works just as well. Of course if you're still sporting an older device than sure, root is still a necessity. But in regards to the OPs original question, root is dying simply because it's no longer "needed" the way it once was. We can argue the whole "admin privileges" comparison until the cows come home, but the fact is, root (for better performance, functionality & customization) is going the way of the dodo, plain & simple.
There will always be those folks that enjoy tinkering with their device, that will never change. But if it's absolutely necessary, than your best bet is to get a Nexus or a developer edition device. Every major flagship over the past few years has released one. You may have to wait a couple of months after the original flagship is released before the dev edition drops, but then, hard core modders already know this.

Point is, we saw a tremendous influx of members across all our forums a few years ago because everyone & their grandma wanted to root their device in order to get the absolute most out of it. These days, for the "average" consumer/enthusiast, the "need" simply isn't there anymore.
It is required! In a word, Yes! We pay for the devices, one way or another, and having the carrier or vendor restrict what we do with the devices we paid for is unacceptable.

Whether we use it, or how we use it should be our choice.

That said, with the current state of affairs between Samsung and Verizon, I will only buy a Developer Edition or Nexus device from now on. Still rocking a Note II because of the "Hassle".

looking forward to seeing the new Nexus 6 announced
Compared to just a year or two ago, root really isn't needed on today's latest flagship devices. Flashing different kernels doesn't make a difference on the latest models, and you'll be hard pressed to find a root only app that doesn't have a non root compatible that works just as well. Of course if you're still sporting an older device than sure, root is still a necessity. But in regards to the OPs original question, root is dying simply because it's no longer "needed" the way it once was. We can argue the whole "admin privileges" comparison until the cows come home, but the fact is, root (for better performance, functionality & customization) is going the way of the dodo, plain & simple.
There will always be those folks that enjoy tinkering with their device, that will never change. But if it's absolutely necessary, than your best bet is to get a Nexus or a developer edition device. Every major flagship over the past few years has released one. You may have to wait a couple of months after the original flagship is released before the dev edition drops, but then, hard core modders already know this.

Point is, we saw a tremendous influx of members across all our forums a few years ago because everyone & their grandma wanted to root their device in order to get the absolute most out of it. These days, for the "average" consumer/enthusiast, the "need" simply isn't there anymore.

Very good point. 2 or 3 years ago a thread like this would be 10 pages deep of favorite roms, kernels, etc. Heck there were times we as staff had to watch what we put in our sigs and what roms we talked about so not to start a war (remember that @Jonny Kansas).

Just as @cr6 and others have said, there will always be a group that will root and that will not change. But the difference in the days of the Droid where you almost had to root and now where I can go months without using a root app (even though I have SU permissions) is a testament to how far we have come in android. Am I saying there are not roms and kernels out there that can add some tweaks, no, but for me my phone is smooth and works. Where my Droid was buggy, did not have pinch to zoom (at first) stock, and the UI was plain ugly, my Nexus 6 UI is smooth, has a nice UI, and have the latest and greatest from Google.

I have to admit that I am one that the very first thing I do when I boot my phone up "fastboot oem unlock", flash twrp, and flash SU.zip before I even finish allowing my apps to install. So I am not bashing root. I am just saying that for me personally SU might as well be an ornament. Between the continued updates to Google's software (where it is obvious they are bringing in features from the root side) I am satisfied with my phone stock (or stock rooted). Even with apps that block ads Google is finding ways around them (Google found a way to bypass Adblock in YouTube | Android Authority). Still I am glad we have an avenue for those that want to root can but that android is finally at a point where we don't have to.
" Between the continued updates to Google's software (where it is obvious they are bringing in features from the root side)"

With that statement you prove why we need Root. We need developers to come up with the awesome features that Google steals later hahaha
It will become less and less necessary as we get more devices like the Moto X/Pure, Nexus, etc, that don't come crammed with bloat, but there are still too many great tweeks to ever think it will die. Again, it's the equivalent of not having admin level access to control how your PC operates. You don't need that kind of control at all times, but it's good to have when you do.
" Between the continued updates to Google's software (where it is obvious they are bringing in features from the root side)"

With that statement you prove why we need Root. We need developers to come up with the awesome features that Google steals later hahaha
I have to agree here completely. I'm fact, not only do the developers in the Android world push innovation here, which then becomes accepted into the mainstream and eventually incorporated into the stock OS, but it then migrates over to the IOS. If it was as easy to modify the OS in iPhones as it it's in many cases in Android there would have been far more advances there than there have been and quite possibly even more than in Android.

One thing though is that could have easily backfired for Apple since their hardware is perhaps not nearly as powerful as flagship Android devices are. The A8 processor is rumored to still be only a dual core, the actual RAM is perhaps only 2GB, and since multitasking and widgets and many of the other processor and memory intensive features and applications we Android lovers have become accustomed to aren't even yet available that system hardware isn't taxed nearly as heavily as in our devices.

Arguably, Android developers have pushed applications and features so hard that the manufactures had to push the hardware capabilities to keep up and minimize lag. IPhone owners don't have this issue to any comparable extent simply because it's a much less taxing OS and applications and features platform.

In fact only now is Apple stepping up the game to give the A9/M9 the ability to have SIRI on and listening full time live. We've had OK Google Now always listening for how long...almost two years?
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I still think "Ok Google" should be changed to "You got your ears on?" :)

On a relate note, is it just the Droid Turbo or MY Droid Turbo that this is more gimmick than practical? I've tried a couple different pass phrases and simply put it only works maybe 20% of the time. I don't bother trying anymore - I mapped a long press of the home key to voice search and that works for me.

I mean, it may work very well if I hold the phone 12" from my face and speak directly and clearly into the speaker...but that kind of defeats the purpose. 2-3 feet from me and speaking in that general direction (which is how it SHOULD work) is very dicey.
Sure, if we were all truck drivers. [emoji2]

It was a Smokey and the Bandit reference but I guess it is a trucker term, I look at it as more of a CB cultural term.

Myself being a product of the 70's it was the only way to communicate outside of the home growing up ;)

Still beats the pants off a radar detector today.