Root is still not dead for me. Mainly for two important reasons. First, ADS!!! Popup ads have begun to get out of hand, and without an ad blocker using the phone is even more irritating than using a PC based web browser. It's far easier to click that tiny X on the desktop with a mouse than to first find it and then hit it accurately on the phone's screen.
Second, wireless tether. I still think it's a crime that Verizon blocks it on the phones, only to sell it as an "added feature" at $1/day (i.e. $30/month). I agree that there are some who abuse it extremely, but if I'm tethering a tablet to the phone, I'm not "stealing" any data. If I couldn't tether, then I'd be doing the exact same browsing, watching of a movie, or other data communications right on the phone instead. The only reason I would tether a tablet for instance is so I can use the larger screen.
In the case of lending a data connection to my son, I do that rarely in the car, or when we're out somewhere and there's no WIFI so he doesn't become completely bored stiff. His alloted GB of data can get used up quick, so if he weren't tethered and we weren't in a WIFI location his data would go black. All in all, it might add perhaps eat a few extra GB per month from my unlimited plan, but again, if I couldn't tether him, he would either use my phone, or his mother's (which he does often), both of which are on unlimited, so again, no extra data, just data to a different device.
Second, wireless tether. I still think it's a crime that Verizon blocks it on the phones, only to sell it as an "added feature" at $1/day (i.e. $30/month). I agree that there are some who abuse it extremely, but if I'm tethering a tablet to the phone, I'm not "stealing" any data. If I couldn't tether, then I'd be doing the exact same browsing, watching of a movie, or other data communications right on the phone instead. The only reason I would tether a tablet for instance is so I can use the larger screen.
In the case of lending a data connection to my son, I do that rarely in the car, or when we're out somewhere and there's no WIFI so he doesn't become completely bored stiff. His alloted GB of data can get used up quick, so if he weren't tethered and we weren't in a WIFI location his data would go black. All in all, it might add perhaps eat a few extra GB per month from my unlimited plan, but again, if I couldn't tether him, he would either use my phone, or his mother's (which he does often), both of which are on unlimited, so again, no extra data, just data to a different device.