The guys jaw hit the floor " I had no idea they had a registry" he said. I walked over to the manager and told him how "awesome" his tech guy was.... I dont think he works there anymore
I can appreciate how many phones they have, but most are cookie cutter and don't require much.
The early adopters might be willing to search forums and spend significant time finding their answers. The mass buyers won't do that and will be turned off by the knowledge of the sales and service staff. On the other hand, maybe VZW figures as more purchase the phone, their sales and service staff will grow into it.
But here we are nearly 4 months since launch and the knowledge still seems lacking. I called the tech line because I wasn't happy with my reception. She really had no clue and recommended I take it into the store. Asked her about the Vocode (which I picked up on another forum) and I think she pretended not to hear me.
I think ultimately the success of android/Droid is going to depend on how well the masses are serviced. It's not as user friendly as the IPhone - which has its advantages - but in order to compete with IPhone the support is going to need to improve.