Try this one.. I believe it's a 2.2.1 version, so probably different than the one they've reported as working.. but should hopefully work (?).
It's a patch, so install via recovery (no wipe).
Sorry, I know this is a noob question but i'm a little confused and new at installing/updating ROMS in general... I'm in clockworkMod Recovery do I choose "install zip from sdcard"? Not, "apply Am I on the right track or going at this completely wrong? Thanks.
Since you stated that you're a bit new to it.. going to give a bit more detail than you may be looking for... but I'd rather mention something and have you not need it, than to leave it out.
Some ROMs have different install instructions than others. You DEF. want to make sure that you're following the install instructions for the ROM that you're installing! (I believe drod left the install instructions out from the 1.8.9 and 1.9.0 versions of Focused, so best place to look is the first post of the 1.8.6 thread, assuming that you're installing Focused, if not, look for instructions for your particular ROM.
If/when the instructions say to wipe data/cache, they will mean going into mounts/storage, and format cache, and format data. From the main menu will work as well to wipe cache and data, also resetting a couple of other things (won't hurt).. either is fine.
For installing the .ip, an is the way that packages/patches come from Moto/VZW usually, so there is an option for it in the menu.. however for ROMs, you can simply install .zip from SDCard, then choose .zip from SDCard, and select the .zip.
That should get you started.. Only other suggestion.. is that this thread is for an audio settings patch specifically for the Focused ROM. If you have specific questions regarding a ROM, make sure you post it in the ROMs thread, you'll get better/faster answers that way!
GL! and hope this helps!
Edit: after re-reading.. possible you were just asking how to install the patch... and are already on Focused.. sorry if I got confused.. lol
Uhmm, for patches, pretty much all of them are just going to be install .zip from SDCard, with no wiping at all...
Thanks man you rock. Always great when someone is nice enough to go out of their way and provide MORE info and finer detail than originally requested

You're edit is correct - I've got focused running (love it) just never installed a patch before. Your patch and "install .zip from SDCard" is what I was looking for. Thanks again.