We have some mildly annoying news to share with you regarding rooted Verizon Motorola devices. Motorola, at Verizon's request, has been installing "root checker" software on all Motorola devices that run Ice Cream Sandwich. This includes the Droid RAZR, RAZR MAXX, the Droid 4, and will include the Bionic once ICS rolls out for it. This "root checker" will basically allow any Big Red employee to check to see if your phone has ever been rooted. If they determine that it has it will likely void the warranty. Here's a quote with a full description,
Now, obviously, there's no guarantee that a Verizon store employee would necessarily punish someone who brought in their phone for a legitimate hardware problem that had nothing to do with the rooting; however, it puts them in the position of doing so at Verizon's discretion. We thought you would want to know.
Thanks for the tip, bsweetness!
Updated: Apparently, the root checker is already installed on ICS Moto devices.
Android.net via