Corporations check for rooted devices too. Good For Enterprise, MobileIron, etc. can be configured to determine if your device is rooted, and subsequently deny you access to the Corporate network.
Some Corporate SysAdmins consider rooted devices to be security-compromised devices and disallow them on their Corporate network.
And this one of the reason why there is more and more security and devices being locked up. For them to sell to Enterprise customers they ( enterprise ) are demanding more security on the devices moving forward. That said I've heard from my contacts over the course of the next yr or so ANY deviec that will be sold or for use to Enterprise customers will require new security checks to be in place that will in turn force the mfgs & carries to have the device locked and new added security to kernels as a safety net.
That said my one contact said you want freedom down the road at some point your only option will be to buy a Nexus otherwise be ready for lockdowns and no custom ROMs or kernels