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Battery Dead, bricked Bionic, not sure what to do

I do appreciate your concern with my device, I do, and I'm not here to cause a big ruccus, BUT, I do have to say that I've been flashing ROM's for about 2.5 years now, and am addicted to it. Did it with my D1, my wifes Eris, my Mom's D1, a buddy's D1 & X as well. I've got a little experience in flashing ROM's, and yes, why mess with a perfectly good device? Why, you're right, the developers that've made this phone know full well about it, and it's software, except 1 thing...
How to let US, as the customer, customize it to OUR likings. As far as the stock ROM goes, sure, it's good... not many hiccups, but there are some... OK, I can "deal" with that, along with the limitations that they've imposed upon myself... But I say "WHY!?" I am SO thankful for ALL the developers out there that have given me the ability to customize MY phone. And I'm also thankful that there are people out there that are willing to help those of us that have a small hiccup in flashing.

Not trying to count your opinion as nil, but, I do have to say that there was a better way to say what you said. Since it was said the way it was, well, I'm sorry that I've offended you by ME customizing MY phone. I do hope, however, that some day you dive into the flashing ROM world, and am able to experience the wonderful thing's that these developers have done for the Android community. Without these developers, well, our phones, excuse me, laptops in our pockets, well, they'd just be the same thing, EVERYONE would have the same thing. I'm not one to conform, therefore I choose to do as I please with the piece of equipment that I paid for. (Mind I paid FULL price for the device, AND, I haven't claimed an insurance claim in over 4 years) That there should give me the absolute right to do with it as I please.

Again, thank you for your concern, but, I will not be told by you, or any other person, entity, or whatever, what I can do and cannot do with a piece of equipment that I've bought and paid for fully.

Have a nice day/evening, and thank you again.:)

We flash therefore we are! Hey, a fish gotta swim!
Same thing happened to me. I went to the Verizon store and bought an external battery charger. It was only $40 and came with a second battery.
I hope you did not take it the wrong way, but why mess with a perfectly good phone, reason is now you have a pretty much useless phone, and from what I can tell the ROM developper isa no where in sight to help you get it back to working condition, funny how they always state that you are taking a chance and you are pretty much on your own if you brick a perfectly working $700 smart phone. And no I never used ROMS and I never will after reading many of the horror stories on the web, I am pretty handy with software as I put my own pc's together, but mesing with some half backed ROM so I can say to my friends, hey look I am using a ROM which nows makes my phone cook me dinner is not for me. My HTC Incredible "one of the first to get it when it launched" still works and looks like new since day one, it does everything a smart phone is supposed to do, all I am saying is why not just enjoy your new toy for a while before diving into these half backed ROMS and taking chances of bricking a perfectly working smart phone.
You will be able to re-flash!

You are in luck! I GUARANTEE you will be able to reflash your phone back to stock. I was in the same boat and this is what you will have to do to make it happen. It's somewhat tedious, but it will work.

First off, with the battery thing, the best thing to do is get what I posted above. I got the external battery charger at the Verizon store with an extra battery for $40. This way you can always charge your battery, plus you'll have a backup. I was having the same problem with mine when I soft bricked it and the battery was low and I thought I was screwed for awhile.

Now, the first thing you'll want to do is make sure RSD Lite is 5.5 and that you have the updated Motorla drivers. I assume you do. Next download the complete flash if you don't have it (http://bandbinnovations.com/xda/bio....3.4-5.5.1_84_DBN-55-110814-Verizon-US.tar.gz)

Here comes the fun part. Try to flash it like you normally would, (Uncompress and flash). It will fail on you. Now what you will have to do is just keep popping your battery out and going back into fast boot mode and trying to flash again. Eventually it will keep getting past a previously failed step. It took me over 100+ attempts to flash mine because I deleted absolutely everything. Eventually it will finally complete and you will be back to stock.

I had a nandroid backup so I just rooted again, put on Bootloader recovery and restored my backup and I was good to go. If you have any questions or need more help just post here and let me know.
thank's for all the help, it's much appreciated!!! I've got ,y phone back up and running, the charged battery is all it took!!! Now I've got 2, and flashing away!!!dancedroid:nerd:
My Bionic bricked last night once the battery died. This thread was invaluable in helping me get it running again. I ended up buying a new battery/external charger combo at Verizon. Many thanks!:biggrin:
I'm glad that it helped, one's misfortune helps another, love the forums!!!! That's how I've learned so much so far, by reading all this fun stuff!!!!!!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Thanks to this thread I've got my previously bricked DB up and running again. I bought the charger with the extra battery (android phones should just come with this). Took a couple of hours of trying but it eventually worked. Phone is working like normal again. :happy:
A FIX FOR THE BIONIC NOT BOOTING UPI bought my bionic on friday and i rooted it and decided to go back to my x and the shut it off the DB and powered up the x all was ok ! then i got up this am and found the bionic would not boot up! it started to n shut off with several attempts at every option!
i remember having to hard wire the x one time to get it to flash a sbf
So i got out a extra usb cable out cut the micro usb off stripped it back pulled the black n red wires out stripped then back just enough to slide then in the red+ slot and black in the - slot put the battery in as far as it would go without putting it in all the way as that would spread the terminals to far and bind it up !
I then took a another usb cable plugged it into the side and then plugged the stripped on into the open port in pc hit power button and wha laa it booted up ! now as the first boot it said battery is bad replace battery ! but i new this was bull because i run a volt check on it before with a volt meeter n it was fine SOOOOO then i shut it down unplugged both cables and then plugged it back in and booted it up again and bammmm all was good and i have had no probs sence NOTE be very careful not to let the bare wires hit any part of the other terminals as that would damage the phone ! strip the wire ends just enough and twist the ends

YOU ARE A FREAKING GENIOUS!!!! I was freaking out when it wouldn't charge. Thanks for saving my @$$.
At risk of sounding like a crazy person, here is what I suggest - we all have learned there are certain bricked/soft bricked stages where a battery cannot charge. So if u plan to continue messing with ROMs and themes....

1. Get a standalone battery charger for ur current (and all future) phone model. Expensive? You bet, but it makes up for it by being inconvenient AND wasteful.

2. Create an All-Purpose Holy-*Crap What-Did-I-Just-Do BATTERY (not phone) charger.
A. Find a used phone charger that you don't mind mangling a little.
B. Check the OUTPUT (stamped on the plug somewhere) on the new charger; compare it to ur existing charger. FYI, I like to see everything match, but have had success with voltage being off by 0.1 (mAs have always matched at 850 for me).
C. Cut the micro USB (or whatever fits into the phone) off, strip out the exterior insulation and locate the small black and red wires inside. Strip about a half inch of the insulation off each of these wires as well.
D. Remove the dead battery from your brick and lay the battery flat somewhere hopefully away from puddles, gas cans, gunpowder, etc. At this point u want ur new MacGyver charger to be UNPLUGGED from the wall. Hook the red wire to the + terminal of your battery and the black to the - terminal.
E. Plug your charger in. Obviously unplug it immediately if something goes awry, ie a fire starts on your arm.
F. Let your battery soak up the juice for several hours. Obviously all basic electrical safety rules apply...if you don't know the basic rules of electrical safety, my super-attorneys and I insist that you go with option 1 above.
G. If you've done it correctly, when u stick the battery back in your phone you should be able to proceed.

So there you go - two more options for when this happens next time. A safe, expensive option, and a cheap, kinda dangerous option.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
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YOU ARE A FREAKING GENIOUS!!!! I was freaking out when it wouldn't charge. Thanks for saving my @$$.

You are welcome glad to help out .
Plus its allot cheaper than a extra battery and stand alone charger ! Not that the extra battery doesn't come in handy! as the bionic is a battery monster
what's with all these half backed ROMS anyways, what more do you want these phones to do for you, do these ROMS make your phone cook a meal, seriously why not just leave a good thing alone, if you want to mess around with ROMS for a new phone, why not wait till the developer "hacker" gets out all the kincks from his fabulous ROM.

Which ROMs--if any--are kink-free and worth trying on for size?
Recharged battery from dead phone

Hoping this will help someone else out:

Bricked Bionic with dead battery (after too many re-tries at flashing).

Cut the end off of a bluetooth micro-usb charger (happened to be a Motorola brand, but shouldn't matter).
Stripped back both wires. Checked for current. Striped / marked side was positive.
Pushed positive / striped wire into the + terminal / slot of the Bionic battery, other wire into the - terminal / slot.
(Used a small pick, but a very small flat screwdriver would work as well.)
Left it over-night.
Good as new in the morning and re-flashed successfully.

And I had a few of those BT chargers laying around anyway.
Hoping this will help someone else out:

Bricked Bionic with dead battery (after too many re-tries at flashing).

Cut the end off of a bluetooth micro-usb charger (happened to be a Motorola brand, but shouldn't matter).
Stripped back both wires. Checked for current. Striped / marked side was positive.
Pushed positive / striped wire into the + terminal / slot of the Bionic battery, other wire into the - terminal / slot.
(Used a small pick, but a very small flat screwdriver would work as well.)
Left it over-night.
Good as new in the morning and re-flashed successfully.

And I had a few of those BT chargers laying around anyway.

I did this with my DX a while back and it works perfect so you can flash back to stock. Great suggestion!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
That's what you get for messing around with a perfectly working phone, what's with all these half backed ROMS anyways, what more do you want these phones to do for you, do these ROMS make your phone cook a meal, seriously why not just leave a good thing alone, if you want to mess around with ROMS for a new phone, why not wait till the developer "hacker" gets out all the kincks from his fabulous ROM:) . Or just leave a good thing alone and enjoy your new toy, I am sure the developers of these smattering phones know what they are doing, trusting a second hand wanna be developer with you shiny new device is not real smart.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums

Yeah you need to get off here if you're just going to hate. Sounds like some iPhone punk trolling.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums