So, there are 2 "links" or buttons I would like to see. One would launch "Settings>>About Phone>>Battery Use" that you noted.Not sure i'm understanding you, but you can get to that screen pretty quickly.
From the homescreen go to Settings>>About Phone>>Battery Use
Are you saying you just want this displayed automatically when clicking the Battery Left Widget?
The other button would launch the screen I described in the post. Spare Parts, Better Cut, and Battery Status are 3 apps that can launch the screen I'm talking about. BetterCut lists the link as "Settings - PowerUsageSummary" and basically it is a summary that the phone provides, but the user can't go through the settings menu to get to it like they can for the battery use.
Right now I used better cut to put shortcuts to the Battery Use you mention and the power use I'm talking about, but I was just saying it would be helpful to have buttons on the status screen of battery left to quickly launch them. When i check my battery life left, I usually also want to know how long my phone has been up, how long i've been running on battery, and quickly be able to link to see what apps have been using what % of the battery and basically how long my phone has been running, sleeping, using BT, wifi, etc.