The more I read these forums, the more I realize that people buy phones without having any idea what to expect. The phone is not defective, it is just a battery hog. You can either take steps to stop this, or adapt to having to charge more frequently (or get a new phone, as many of you have).
People say "oh, the batteries must be defective"... Motorola has been making the BP6X batteries since AT least the time of the OG Droid (I don't know what other phones take it, it may be older than that)... I highly doubt that all of a sudden, every BP6X that went into a D2G was all of a sudden defective.
It's a 1.2GHz phone (It's the fastest currently on the market, come on), running not one, not two, but THREE cellular radios, plus wifi and/or bluetooth. It's got a high resolution, bright touchscreen. It runs all sorts of apps, auto syncing applications, etc etc. If I don't expect to get 12 hours of battery life from a 7lb laptop with a 2lb battery that's as long as my forearm, why is it any more reasonable to expect such crazy battery life out of a tiny phone with a 1350mAh battery, stock?
Get an extended battery. Tweak your phone's UI to extend battery life.
Or accept the fact that if you can't tailor your usage to the battery life, you're going to have to tailor your charging habits to it.