That's my concern as well. I don't feel that I should have to change my lifestyle so substantially in order to use the device.There is something inherently wrong with the D2G with respect to power consumption. I ended up returning mine due to this, as well as the problems with Exchange synchronization.
deleted all the bloatware (blockbuster,city id, etc)
I'm guessing he rooted, used something like Titanium Backup, and removed from there. (Or, better yet, "froze" the applications.) Root explorer, or even a command level access would yield the same results.deleted all the bloatware (blockbuster,city id, etc)
How did you do that? I'd love to get rid of all that.
I'm guessing he rooted, used something like Titanium Backup, and removed from there. (Or, better yet, "froze" the applications.) Root explorer, or even a command level access would yield the same results.deleted all the bloatware (blockbuster,city id, etc)
How did you do that? I'd love to get rid of all that.
I personally wouldn't remove bloatware; freezing would be desirable, as it gives an ability to get it back in a situation where something might be needed. (Like updating to a new OS release.)
There is something inherently wrong with the D2G with respect to power consumption. I ended up returning mine due to this, as well as the problems with Exchange synchronization.
I have a Droid X, which easily has 30% of battery life remaining when I go to bed at 10-ish. This is after being off the charger at 4:20 AM, having full push for my email (two are Activesync, five are IMAP), and roughly 2-3 hours of talk time.
On my D2G, the battery would be at 15% at 16:00, with no talk time. (Same mail configuration.) Over a multi-week period, I had the handset replaced once, and wiped it three times--all with the hope that it was a fluke. It wasn't. I tried so many things to get the D2G to work well, it became ridiculous. In the end, I reconciled that it didn't make sense to have to implement work-arounds. The only thing I do no the Droid X is have Bluetooth turn off between 7:00 and 14:00.
Back on my Droid X, I'm enjoying the battery life. For the record, I have the extended battery in the Droid X, and had the extended battery in the D2G.