Phone is the Original Motorola Droid a855
Battery issues here, there is alot of good info in these threads about battery life and how to increase it, but they are irrelevant to the issue at hand its a different problem.
before 2.2 I usually could go a full weekend without charging at all.
I have not changed by usage at all from 2.1 to 2.2.
I saw alot of apps on my task killer that never showed up as running until after the 2.2 update. I used the task killer to see if that helped, it didn't, so I uninstalled it and that still didnt help. Same with Facebook, didnt make a difference
I have not added any new apps, i even tried deleting alot of apps i didn't use(including some of the ones showing up in the task killer previously that i don't really use).
I have turned off auto sync/fetch on everything except my gmail, my facebook and hotmail are turned off.
I made sure everything that fetches was set to over an hour, e-mail, etc.
Turned off GPS
BATTERY IS STILL HORRIBLE, Sunday i didnt use the phone that much and i had to throw it on the charger twice during the day for about an hour to give me a little more life. It cant even last a full day without the battery dropping to yellow or red by the end of the day.
Keep in mind I didnt have to do ANY of this stuff with 2.1(i.e turn off gps, set fetching longer apart, turn off sync, etc) and my battery still lasted the whole weekend based on my usage.
There is a major issue here and its not just people playing with the new OS too much......