Mine reports nine hours thirty-three minutes on battery power and is at 90% charge. I left it off the charger last night. We'll see how it looks by tonight.
Sorry, I know this may be a long post (and only my second) but here has been my experience so far...
I'm at the same spot as Immolate. I charged it last night before bed, unplugged it when it was at full charge, went to sleep and woke to it being down to 90%. Right now it is at 80%. My OD would still be at 100% and prolly wouldn't drop to 90% till about 12h on a Sunday.
9h 57m (9h of not use)
Cell standby 41%
Phone idle 39%
Wi-Fi 9%
Android System 5%
Android OS 4%
Voice calls 3% (3m)
Display 2% (19m 19s)
When I got the phone I fully charged it (from 5%), unplugged it and fully discharged it (about 11hours) before charging it again. Cell standby was the highest usage of battery. I realize that with this being a "new toy" I was playing with it more than normal but this phone also has a larger battery than my OD, does it not?
I did have problems programming the phone when I got it which included not being prompted during setup to do activate and had to open the dialer to do it manually. The first time it failed, the second time it worked. Same with updating the PRL (even though VZW support says it's not required after an update).
The next day having made a few changes and still not seeing a significant difference it power usage I thought I would update the PRL again just to make sure it was good. It failed telling me I had to activate my phone, then the activation failed telling me to call VZW. While this is nothing uncommon, since I was having battery issues and this is a brand new device I went ahead and called support in hopes they would have some magic fix.
They indicated that wi-fi should always be turned off when activating/updating PRL cause it can interfere with the cell radio (really? that seems odd...) and that I should always keep it off unless I really need it (not going to happen) so they had me power off, pull the battery, turn off wifi and reactivate which worked (no surprise, usually works the second time). Still, I've not seen a noticeable change in usage after my tweeking.
I few things that I did notice was that Wi-Fi was set to never sleep. I don't know if this is how it ships from Moto or if it was an app that I installed (same apps as my OD), but turning this back to what I'd call Android default of sleeping when the display is off helped a bit (for overall battery life, not the Cell standby).
The other was what has been mentioned in this thread before that the device is defaulted to global service mode. I've read a few post that indicate this was an issue so changed that even though "time without signal" was 0% instead of 50% (50% for GSM the other 50% for CDMA?). This didn't seem to change the usage but now there is no message about time without signal.
Personally I believe that this is a radio/baseband software issue that Moto will (I hope) correct with a future update. From what I've seen it isn't uncommon for there to be a software update for a new device after the first few weeks of its release.
What concerns me is that this is VERY similar to an issue I had with my OD when we received 2.2 which came with a new baseband. After the upgrade my battery performance was AWFUL with the same symptoms of Cell Standby using the most battery. No change in software applications or usage patterns. Factory wipes with no installed software made no difference and VZW replaced the phone with a refurb which had the same baseband as my original and I've had no issues with it since.
I know from using Pete's original FroYo ROMs that I had this issue with the new baseband before it was release from VZW, but reverting back to the previous resolved my issue (and in retrospect I should have kept my Droid rooted with custom but wanted stock from some reason. I've learned my lesson >_<) This is what makes me believe this is a baseband/radio software issue.
With my usage patterns and the larger battery I think I'll be OK with the battery life of the phone as it sits today but in no way am I happy about it. One of the reasons I went with the DROID3 vs. an LTE phone (Bionic anyone?) was my choice to prefer battery life over data speeds. This is making me second guess that choice.