My D3 has been off charge for just under 24 hours now and the remaining battery is 60%.
WOW! that's a helluva lot better life than what I'm getting.
Do you mind sharing your versions? Perhaps you're on a more recent radio or something.
Android 2.3.4
Baseband N_03.18.16P
Kernel #1
Build 5.5.1_84_d3G-20_TA-9
PRL 52341
My versions match yours exactly. Today I'm just at 11 hours and 70% charge. This being a work day, I had more activity on the phone. I also made a fairly long call to Aliph to have my Jawbone Era replaced.
One thing I noticed last night was that Robo Defense just sucks the battery out of the phone. I probably dropped 15-20% playing one game at level 96.
Ball-Hop does as well. It's a shame because it's an awesome game but boy does it nerf the battery.