I noticed the improved battery performance right away. I took it off the charger at 7 AM and even turned on WiFi (something I don't normally do). I spent the entire day in a marginal wireless environment, took a handful of calls, browsed the web a bit, read some email (GMail only, no Outlook nonsense), went out for lunch, demo'd the phone to a couple of folks and by 3 PM, the "copper top" of my battery indicator was black. I turned on Bluetooth for the drive home (30 minutes) but never actually used it. Experimented after I got home to see if voice dialing was fixed - it wasn't :-(
It's not 7:40 PM and my battery is sitting at 60%. The status shows the following battery users.
27% voice calls
24% display
15% phone idle (what's that?)
12% WiFi
12% Cell Standby
04% Android system
04% Android OS
04% Android core apps
I use the Weather Channel's widget which does its updating thing. But I only turn on GPS when I need it, which to day was never.
Is it possible that the update somehow triggered some apps to either sync more frequently or turn on the GPS?