I have to say this is one of the BEST looking themes I have ever used. I have tried everything possible for the D1 and now this, but there are a few issues I have found. I have noticed that this theme causes my MUSIC app to double up, as well as my messaging. It actually has the Messaging app, then also after theme it adds Text Messaging, which causes me to receive the incoming text twice. The music issue was a easy fix by using Root Explorer and renaming one music .apk to .bak, but I haven't found a fix for the messaging. The Text Message apk won't open, yet if you remove Messages you won't be able to text anyone back, or open the text. Has anyone else had this issue? I have wiped data and cache multiple times and went on w/ out the theme over my epic 2.5, the them is what adds these two. I have ALSO made sure that titanium has not ran and accidentally included music or text messaging as a file to my phone. Any help would be great, so I can get back to sporting this sexy theme.
After all of that, I do know that this was for a stock rom. The theme works fine for Epic 2.5 except those two issues.