Bionic FUBAR ... please help me turn it on


Silver Member
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score

I can't get RSD lite to work, always fails Step 1

Can't start bionic path saver because i cant get my phone on to set it to charge only

Heres what happens.... i turn on my phone... get to the main screen and it starts flashing with many error messages and 10 seconds later it reboots and starts the whole process over again

i just wanna be able to get my phone ON .. i dont care what i lose... ill factory reset... lose root... WHATEVER AT THIS POINT.. if anyone can help me get my phone on I would greatly appreciate it

ive spent far too many hours in the last 24 trying to get this thing back on
any recommendations would help... im up for trying anything
Did you do something to cause this to start happening?

I see on your thread the problem has been solved, good job.
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thanks for the post... it was the craziest thing i havent downloaded or even updated apps in days or even downloaded anything at all... all i did was let the battery run out ... and when i plugged it in ... it went crazy... i have nor can i find an explanation for it but im glad its back to working order