It's not ground breaking if it doesn't work![]()
Works for me, but Verizon (the network provider) has dropped the ball a few times.
It's not ground breaking if it doesn't work![]()
oh, you did mean virgin for Moto, I misunderstood as virgin tech in general.
yeah, it seems every technology coming out of Moto is virgin to them...
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
It's the FIRST dual core LTE device from any manufacturer on any network.
Not to mention the fact that the LTE network as a whole is still in the development phase. I also want to point out that there isn't a single LTE device that hasn't suffered the exact same problems at some point in time.
I does seem like the Bionic is on its way to being discontinued to me. It's the same price as the TB, lower priced than the Droid 3 and almost the same price as the Illusion. Talking to a tech yesterday she said they see the Bionic and Gnex there quite a lot. She said the Rezound almost never comes in for repair or with issues. She said that is their most dependable 4g phone out right now.
I'd like to see numbers as to how many bionics and nexus have been sold versus how many rezounds have been sold. I'd be willing to bet that there have been far more bionics and nexus sold, so if that is true, there would obviously be more of them returned for service.
Although I have heard good things about the rezound! I just take all "statistics" with doubt until I see the big picture.
I just called them. First I got a new guy who didn't know anything about anything, but he gave me to the Assistant Manager. The AM said that he had never heard of anything like that and doubted that any employee at the store had told anyone that.
I am not trying to bust your b*&L here, but that is what I was told by that store.
well no....actually busting his b**ls is exactly what you have been doing this entire thread...... demanding he give you information and such. If you want to bust his stones at least be honest that that is what you are doing. Luckily for you you did it to him and not me because I would have used some phrases towards you that would have def got me a "time out"
you aren't an Internet sleuth nor should you try to pretend to be one in real how about not make your first 16 posts about trying to show up someone else ok?
The OP stated he heard the Bionic was being discontinued, we asked for his source. The source was checked and deemed to be inaccurate. /End of thread. If you're going to come on here and made bold claims, I would hope somebody would ask for a credible source and do some double checking. After talking to the sales/service reps in my local Verizon store, i would never post anything they say as some sort of truth or inside scoop.
Again it's not about busting someones stones. It's about threads like this one popping up every week, every time an update is rumored, every time an update is released, and every time Moto/Verizon release a vaguely worded Tweet or Facebook post. People take these rumors and hearsay third hand statements as gospel truth and run to teh internets and post away that the the sky is falling and moto has "done it to us again...I'm suing...etc" If more fact checking was done and less posting was done, then half the threads on this forum relating to ICS, .901/.902, .893, .894, and every other leaked cheesecake update would disappear.
I see that your profile says your using a thunderbolt, bionic envy possibly?
WOW, what gave it away? Was it the "Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums" on the bottom of my post?!?
So far all you have to back up your claim for "virgin technology" is the dual-core, which, although being first in USA, is NOT the first dual-core phone. Not to mention that quad-cores are about to begin shipping...
If you honestly believe the Bionic is a ground breaking phone using virgin technology, you should probably follow your own advice next time, i.e. Step#1 Think Step#2 Post
So many people on here call others out, and then when they get a good response, those people who had enough courage to call others out, never have enough courage to admit they were wrong.
Altrus, you got your response, own up to it instead of trying to downplay everything. If you hate the Bionic so bad, throw yours out and replace it. If you don't hate it, stop being an antagonizer.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I'm not even gonna bother replying, it would be a waste of effort.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums