Can't root it.
So here's what I've noticed:
Can't do factory resets or anything with it. It is stuck exactly the way it is. Every time I mess with the settings, when I reboot it the settings go right back to the way they were.
I am SEVERELY pissed at Verizon. I have friends who have told me that they just go in and complain and they get a brand new phone. I go in, asking for a CLN phone, A CERTIFIED LIKE-NEW REPLACEMENT PHONE, and that was AFTER he told me he couldn't do anything to fix it, and they won't even do that for me. They tell me either to upgrade when I don't have the money because I'm a freshman in college, and that my other option is to root it and fix it myself. My girlfriend had a phone that was out of warranty, had water damage, dropped on cement, and was 2 months away from her upgrade date, and she was given a brand new RAZR M. That was 2 months ago. She's available for an upgrade right now. We've been loyal to Verizon for 8 years, and I've been nice and haven't stormed into Verizon, haven't been frustrated with any of the employees, in fact I've been understanding with them until now. This is the biggest load of bull that I've ever been through. Maybe I'll walk into the Verizon store that's near campus and if/when they tell me that they won't do anything for me, I'll just tell them that I guess I have to wait for my contract to end to switch to AT&T or something for better customer service, which is actually HILARIOUS since it's right next door to the Verizon store, and I'll just tell them "Yeah, I gotta go next door now" and literally walk into the AT&T store. I'm not playing nice with Verizon anymore.