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Bionic or wait for Vigor?

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You obviously saw a bad/defective bionic ... most of us have none of those issues.

See the post above yours:

"my only real beef with the phone which is pretty big in my eyes is that it loses data and only restarting the phone fixes it"

Or see numerous posts over on AC discussing the issues.
See the post above yours:

"my only real beef with the phone which is pretty big in my eyes is that it loses data and only restarting the phone fixes it"

Or see numerous posts over on AC discussing the issues.

dont need to do a battary pull...turning off n on does the trick and it takes maybe 45 secs...it should just be a non issue but i heard the tbolt had the same problem so im not sure where the issue lies
My phone has never lost data and it's never required a battery pull. The only issues I've had are the favorites widget bug, and a few touchscreen bugs. I love this phone. I'm actually listening to the radio on it right now.
I'd like to make a X-post from the vigor sub-forum if I may (keep in mind I'm still using my D1 and floating around Bionic/Vigor/Prime/DHD depending on when my D1 gives up and price of each at the given time):

I'm not sure what I'm missing, but the Vigor just doesn't "wow" me. I'm not trying to instigate anything, I'd honestly like to know what it is about it that has you all sold on it.

My guess is the reason I "don't get it" is because:

0)My only experience with HTC has been the 8125 and the Tilt, both Windows Mobile devices, and at a point in my life I didn't realize the potential of smart-phones.
1)I'm still on my D1 and have never used any version of Sense or Blur or any manufacture UI, so I don't know the positives and negatives that come with each from first hand experience.
2)I've never really followed the update timeline of any phone other than my own, so I don't have a true sense of how good/bad each manufacture is about pushing out updates as compared to the D1.
3)In regards to "Bionic vs. Vigor", I'm not sure if 0.5 Ghz would be that noticeable, especially coming from the D1. At what point do you think it will turn into the "TV refresh rate" or "DSLR Megapixel" situation of deciding how much over-kill does the "average consumer" need?
4) I know very little about the Adreno 220 GPU so I'm not sure what that is going to bring to the table.

Assuming the screen specs are true, the the Vigor takes the nod on resolution, of course, and I respect that about it. Anyone on here who has seen me post about HTC phones knows that I could care less about "beats" as long as it doesn't result in an extra $50-$100 markup on the phone.
.i cant stand samsung id buy an iphone before i bought a wanna be iphone...moto has the BEST build quality....

I would agree with this until I felt the Bionic in my hand. It feels SO inferior to my OG Droid in build quality that I'll just wait to see what the others look/feel like. No hurry here.
I can understand what your saying, I like the feel of the OG also, but I look at it this way, they made so many improvements and made it weigh less. So to me its an improvement. I like the light weight of it, especially, God forbid it drops, but I do understand and respect that some like the feel of the heavier (Solid Build) feeling of some of other phones.
I have an upgrade available. I went to the verizon store to look at the bionic figuring i would break even ebaying my bamfbolt, but i effin HATE the qHD. Screen.

They look horrible, the screen on my 3 year old sons droid x (rooted and used only for games, no phone) looks better.

I get a full day of heavy use out of my bolt now that i conditioned he battery and rooted and bamfed it.

I will probably use the upgrade on the vigor or prime.

HTC phones just feel and loom better than moto in my opinion and i love sense over blur.

Sent from my rooted BAMF'd Thunderbilt using magic.
I would agree with this until I felt the Bionic in my hand. It feels SO inferior to my OG Droid in build quality that I'll just wait to see what the others look/feel like. No hurry here.

u def have *it for htc or sammy for some reason...bionic feels soo solid in my hand...only the back is plastic compared to the metal of the og which is the only dif in feel of the device which if thats what ur talkin about ur silly...most people put cases so who cares i for one liked the metal of the og but i like that the back is soft touch on the bionic and that it takes away a lil weight from the device but not too much...i HATE light phones i used to throw my ex's bb in the air when i grabbed it bc it was a featherweight compared to the og it felt light and cheap...bionic is lighter then the og but by a little big basically bc of lack of keyboard...ur buggin if u say the quality doesnt feel top notch minus the metal back

PEOPLE NEED TO STOP READING THE COMMENTS ON DROID-LIFE AND THIS SITE AND MAKE THEIR OWN UNBIASED JUDGMENTS....half the kids on these sites are sheep and will listen to what others tell them without making an opinion for themselves...and actually let it sway their judgment its almost comical like a mental disease
i effin HATE the qHD. Screen. They look horrible,

My initial reservation with wanting to get this phone was the screen. However after playing with it in the store I didn't find it bad at all so I got it. However after using it this Sunday at a 1:00pm football game in the middle of the sunlight. I couldn't be more impressed with the screen on this phone, I had no problems seeing the screen. I really have been impressed with this phone.
To the OP's point...

I was also seriously on the fence regarding Bionic vs. Vigor. I went with the Bionic on release day and have to say that the Bionic is AWESOME. I agree with previous posters in this thread in that you have to go see for yourself. Even if you go to forums on the iPhone, where you'd figure everything would be a total love-fest, there are issues, problems, complaints and people returning their iPhones for something else. Gotta make your own decision.

I am totally impressed with the Bionic from every perspective.
u def have a hardon then for htc or sammy for some reason...

Actually, I don't have any preference. After all, it's just a phone. I'm approaching 60 and I've learned patience sometimes pays off. Not saying I won't end up with a Bionic, just waiting until December to decide. I didn't buy the OG in November 2009, I waited until January to read all the reviews and make an informed decision.
Not only do I have an upgrade, but I also have a vzw giftcard from the wife for a new piece. I went and played with the bionic last night. While I'm impressed, I have reservations about dropping $300 on an upgrade from my X.

What will the vigor offer? The prime? Will I be kicking myself in the ass in a month?

I may wait a bit.
whoever complains about the screen on this phone....needs to get a life...if u want hd 1080p crystal clear picture go watch tv n shut up...its a damn cellphone...this phones screen is so vivid it almost looks 3d at sometimes and i am VERY nitpicky...the only reason people b*tch about the screen is bc they have nothing else to say about the phone...and are on samsungs jock for w.e reason when this time last year eveyone would sh*t on samsung now their the best bc they make skinny girl jean iphone wanna be cellphones...i cant stand samsung id buy an iphone before i bought a wanna be iphone...moto has the BEST build quality....now if u wanna pay the same price for a lil better screen(possibly) in the vigor with WORSE build quality and potentially and most likely worse battary life then get the vigor....its not a better phone 1.0 is not worse then 1.5 dual when the 1.0 has a better chipset.....and another thing everyone talks about locked bootlaoders what happens when this phones unlocked just like the vigor might be so ur tellin me u rather a worse made phone running stock android after root and rom flash then a better made moto runnin the same thing? MAKES ZERO SENSE(pun intended)

lol idk how moderators still haven't removed your post. Stop trying to sound macho.

Htc is actually more user friendly. It's not just "super uber nonsense made for women". And the screen will 100% be better. U know why? Cause a million people are complaining about the screen, no one ever complained about the tb let alone future 720p on a PHONE.
one thing though...bionic is not perfect but what phone released has been?....my only real beef with the phone which is pretty big in my eyes is that it loses data and only restarting the phone fixes it...like really? thats a big bug not to fix before release lol but i hear all these 4g lte phones have this problem hopefully and update will fix it as it better happen soon bc its quite annoying...it happens to me maybe 2 times a day prob if that maybe 3 depends its weird reminds me of my og running gingerbread and having to restart the data to get data back(maybe a gingerbread problem?)

toggle airplane mode on and off. Its quicker.
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