I've barely used my Bionic for a few hours now and going from a Fascinate which is still fast, the improvements are amazing. Stupidly I did not know I could go to an LTE unlimited data plan and be grandfathered in, I will not be giving that up anytime now.
The LTE speeds are pretty incredible for a phone, I just can't stop giggling right now.
Off to do a quick root before an update ruins the fun!
For those that are on the fence about the Bionic I doubt you will be disappoint.
Again, I really do not see an extra 200Mhz making that huge of an improvement, plus with all that I've gotten off I ended up paying 150 for the phone, cannot beat that deal. Selling my Fascinate for 150 as well, just made this too tempting to pass up.
In the store today, crammed into my little counter space at Verizon there was a man and a wife next to me buying the laptop dock for their Bionics. I just don't get why people buy those things and everybody was getting them.