You gotta look at a couple of things. 1. A smart man always hedges, and Punit is probably the brightest crayon in a 1000 Km radius wherever he happens to be, background originally in quantum physics which led to IT after he got sucked into how their analyses actually got run, father of google plus, so one of the 5 shining stars of google. 2. He's definitely our friend, the bull geek of our herd at the moment so to speak (with respect to google, android, and motorola), and then literally in double digit hours from the time he said he was going to make things right, what appears to be GLOBAL motoogle/VZW chaos ensued.
Exciting time to be a motoogle user.
If you pick at the thread like we do over here, he's also pretty much promised the 'loader and rootability (when I and several others asked him about rooting the atrix 4G and RAZR M) for all.
I'm gonna take an engineer's perspective, no half empty or half full, that glass is just twice as big as it needs to be. Well see.
MOToogle: The revolution starts now.