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Bionic update on Punit Soni's Radar.

I figure it like this, I bought my bionic on 9/8/2011 and for the most part have enjoyed it. I am tired of promises however but I am glad to at least hear something. I just don't don't a lot of faith in what I hear. I will wait until march then see. If nothing then I have no choice but to get a new phone.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I bought my Bionic based on my positive experience with the original Droid. I was very upset to learn that the Bionic (and all subsequent Motorola phones) have encrypted boot loaders. The recent news that Motorola will unencrypt the boot loaders of all of their recent phones BUT the Bionic, combined with the endless delays of ICS, and Verizon's own culpability in a lot of this has pretty much made my decision for me. At the end of my current contract, my next phone will be a Nexus phone, and most likely on T-Mobile.:angry:
Yes, things have been handled poorly. We know now that the Bionic is now front and center in the spotlight and things WILL change. We've been patient thus far, we have now beat the poor guy over the head repeatedly. Give him time.

Cure takes a while to soak in and take effect. Changes are coming not only to Moto, but perhaps to then Android landscape.
I see everyone posting on Mr. Soni' G+. It's exciting to see a higher up reaching out directly to the people.

However I've noticed comments on his account are bleeding out from the one "thread" to a few other posts he has going. I've posted in said areas noting how "spamming" his whole G+ is disrespectful and inconsiderate.

Like is said above, he has been "beaten over the head" and now the Bionic seems to be of top concern! Let's all be proactive and Thank Punit Soni, rather than continuing to beat on him.

No he didn't...
I looked everywhere on his Google + page, and he never said anything about "early Q4".
Where did you see him say that?

He didn't. Indirectly he said december 31st is unacceptable and the Bionic will receive ICS much much sooner.
welsalex said:
He didn't. Indirectly he said december 31st is unacceptable and the Bionic will receive ICS much much sooner.

Yeah, "it will be way sooner" is the quote. And if you look at my post that he +1ed a few posts down I get the vibe he's just covering his a$$ for 10/1 being in Q4.
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Yeah, "it will be way sooner" is the quote. And if you look at my post that he +1ed a few posts down I get the vibe he's just covering his a$$ for 10/1 being in Q4.
You know, come to think of it - if it soaked next weekend, October 1st or 2nd WOULD be the earliest it would possibly push. You might be onto something here.
What do we think the chances of that happening are?

Given the very solid and stable condition of 246, I'd say the chances of it being released earlier are very good.
They have almost, if not all the bugs worked out of it. They can't really do much more to make ICS better on
the Bionic from what it seems like. So why delay it further? At this rate, I think the Bionic build of ICS is
actually more solidly built than the Droid 4 or the Razr series. And how appropriate too.
I'm holding out that they're going to get everybody from the time period up to JB as quickly as possible. Maybe we see an ICS in 2-3 weeks and then JB in another 2 months? Or maybe my glass is just half full!:biggrin:
You gotta look at a couple of things. 1. A smart man always hedges, and Punit is probably the brightest crayon in a 1000 Km radius wherever he happens to be, background originally in quantum physics which led to IT after he got sucked into how their analyses actually got run, father of google plus, so one of the 5 shining stars of google. 2. He's definitely our friend, the bull geek of our herd at the moment so to speak (with respect to google, android, and motorola), and then literally in double digit hours from the time he said he was going to make things right, what appears to be GLOBAL motoogle/VZW chaos ensued.

Exciting time to be a motoogle user.

If you pick at the thread like we do over here, he's also pretty much promised the 'loader and rootability (when I and several others asked him about rooting the atrix 4G and RAZR M) for all.

I'm gonna take an engineer's perspective, no half empty or half full, that glass is just twice as big as it needs to be. Well see.

MOToogle: The revolution starts now.
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My gut is telling me that Verizon HATES the Bionic and is trying to purge them out of the system. The Bionic is vastly underutilized on the GB OS, and if it updates they have a TON of people owning a powerful phone on unlimited data.That said, it also has the ability to change its battery out when it dies (which the new Razrs can't) so you are looking at the potential of years being off contract.I know most folks upgrade as soon as they qualify, but I will hold off if my hardware can perform well.
My gut is telling me that Verizon HATES the Bionic and is trying to purge them out of the system. The Bionic is vastly underutilized on the GB OS, and if it updates they have a TON of people owning a powerful phone on unlimited data.That said, it also has the ability to change its battery out when it dies (which the new Razrs can't) so you are looking at the potential of years being off contract.I know most folks upgrade as soon as they qualify, but I will hold off if my hardware can perform well.

I 1000% agree with you.

Verizon realized that the Bionic is powerful enough to get up to Jellybean and they don't want people getting such a major software update for free, because all they care about is making money. Motorola couldve chosen to side with Verizon and say, "Yeah, we're just gonna leave the Bionic at GB. We want people to buy our new phones now." But they didnt. As old as the Bionic is, Motorola actually cares about the happiness and satisfaction of its customers, and they're going to try and push the Bionic to its software limits.

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