I just read an article yesterday that IOS 6 adoption is at 25% while JB is 2 months old and has an amazing 1.2%. I do think this is comparing apples to oranges, but it does show a main difference between iThings and androids.
I truly think this is why Google bought Motorola. It's not a secret that the Android market is fragmented like crazy. It's one of the biggest pitfalls for Android. Google now owns a major share of the top of the line phones. If Google starts keeping phones up to date and providing good update schedules for phones, other companies will have no choice but to start doing the same. This seems very evident from the comments from Punit as well as the info from the deceased 244 thread that Google is trying to turn the ship around.
The real question is how long will it take to change things. Unfortunately, I'm somewhat expecting the phones released before this summer to likely be kicked to the curb and not supported very well. But the next generation of phones may have amazing support IF my hypothesis of Google/Motorola is true.
In any case, it's a known fact that Android's fragmentation may be its downfall in the future and something needs to be done before its too late.