Silver Member
PREACH the WORD n season and out of season!!!Can u feel me or did i lose YOU!!!Vzw, guy in the switch who gets the info bout the phones coming out and helps make sure the switch can handle them correctly.... Aka, my father n law.... There hasnt even been talk bout the bionic anymore
Droid X
You are mistaken it is still coming out. The only thing is that the CES Version of the phone is not being released. I have a friend That works here in North Carolina in Verizon Corporate Office that says it is coming and also another who is works in Verizon Development Area. You can follow his tweets on Twitter Black_Man_X that has always been correct when talking about Verizon phones and release dates. They meaning Verizon has already recieved test phones of the new Bionic/Targa. When BMX gets his test phone then we should start seeing specs.
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