I really don't see why anyone cares if they're not planning on buying the phone. That's what's great about freedom, if you don't want a product, then don't buy it, after all it's only a phone....
Its not just a phone. If you want to put it that way, why not go with the motorola razr or lg chocolate?
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I've had my bolt for five weeks now it's my first htc device, if the deciding factor is performance please refer to my screen shot below. As far as aesthetics and quality, yes the plastic is a disappointment and the battery cover sucks. The dev support is incredible and more are joining the ranks every day, it would seem that those that were holding out have reconsidered. The battery life is acceptable after rooting and landing the right kernel/rom and combo and applying the necessary tweaks but you'll be hard pressed to get a full day from a charge. As for RAM and storage y'all know the numbers, it's impressive. Sense is sexy once the bloat is gone, and cm7 is pretty damn close to a RC if you don't dig it. I won't have 4g till next quarter, and I can't imagine how fast this thing will be then.
I know quadrants don't mean all that much, but it's the best benchmark we have.
At the risk of seeming like a troll, compared to the ThunderBolt, I just don't see the appeal of the Bionic. When I read forum conversations about the droid bionic, nobody seems to point out the obvious.
I've looked up and down the specs of this phone, and I really don't get it. People seem to really froth at the mouth when talking about dual core phones. Frankly, I don't get it. The bionic doesn't have better tech specs sans the much vaunted dual core. I suppose the screen is also a bit better too, huh? Here are the kisses of death for this phone that should really drive everybody away from it:
A) The phone isn't technically more impressive than the TB. The TB is out now. When will the bionic be out? Why would you go for the same phone released months later? (Don't answer this if you're an iphan who will buy the iphone4 because you can get it in white)
B) Dual core isn't supported. It'll take a bit for it to come into play. And when it does, will it really be a lot faster than the TB? Think of it from a numbers game standpoint. Are we talking about double the performance? Ten percent? After rooting, will anybody notice?
C) Locked bootloader. I guess if you aren't the type to root, this is a moot point. But to the majority of us here, I'd wager that this is a big deal. Without the ability to root and install custom ROMs, the life of your phone will be significantly shorter.
I'm sorry to rant. I'm not quite as invested in this as I sound, but I would be interested to hear a compelling counter argument.
Being a diehard Moto guy I have an original Droid. I got itchy and tried a HTC Droid Incredible 2 this week and to me, the above statement is on the mark.Real simple HTC stands for Horrible Tech Crap. HTC is garbage and always will be 3rd Rate quality. HTC can not even begin to compare to Motorola Quality or dependability. Good things come to those who wait and when the Bionic is released everyone will see the truth.
I've had my bolt for five weeks now it's my first htc device, if the deciding factor is performance please refer to my screen shot below. As far as aesthetics and quality, yes the plastic is a disappointment and the battery cover sucks. The dev support is incredible and more are joining the ranks every day, it would seem that those that were holding out have reconsidered. The battery life is acceptable after rooting and landing the right kernel/rom and combo and applying the necessary tweaks but you'll be hard pressed to get a full day from a charge. As for RAM and storage y'all know the numbers, it's impressive. Sense is sexy once the bloat is gone, and cm7 is pretty damn close to a RC if you don't dig it. I won't have 4g till next quarter, and I can't imagine how fast this thing will be then.
I know quadrants don't mean all that much, but it's the best benchmark we have.
ooouch. I think I got burned!
But your device has been on battery for 2 hours. And look, your at 24%
I'm playing people. JK
There will never be the perfect phone. As to why bother with the Bionic? Its hard to say. qHD is higher res, but it uses the Pentile Matrix. Thats one of the things I hated about Amoled screens before S Amoled +. (the pixel issue is fixed on +) So the screen will probably look sharper on the lower res S Amoled +.
There will never be the perfect phone. As to why bother with the Bionic? Its hard to say. qHD is higher res, but it uses the Pentile Matrix. Thats one of the things I hated about Amoled screens before S Amoled +. (the pixel issue is fixed on +) So the screen will probably look sharper on the lower res S Amoled +.
THERE IS, it's called the "galaxy s II"