No offense but if your backup is the same or better what took birdman so long? I'm sure he wasn't just browsing through his large porn collection while he was telling us he was working on a new ROM. Also, how much work have you done on cracking the recovery method? Like I said, no offense but you should maybe word your suggestions a little better. You kind of sound like an ass. :biggrin:
lol..the ONLY thing birdman did was optimize the PNG images, and remove the bloat....optimizing the PNG's is useless for everything you download AFTER the initial restore...the pngs is waht took so long, you can remove the bloat, fix the autostart, mod the build.prop file, tweak the memory settings, back it up, and upload it in under 2 hours.
i dont care if you use it or not, but people complaining about not having swype or search bars not working, etc...wont have this problem. and in mine, if they do want something that isnt there, i didnt delete all of it, i renamed it, so you can go get it
customizing a rom is not rocket sceince.