Birthday Dilemma


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Mountaineer living in Buckeye Nation
Current Phone Model
Moto Z-Force
I've been planning on getting a new phone for my son on his birthday at the end of the month. I've been researching and reading the forums about the Bionic and the upcoming Razr & Nexus. I know there are issues with the Bionic, but every new phone has them. The Razr & Nexus will as well. I'm not too worried about the camera since I know there are apps to help. I think he would really appreciate a screen that he can see outside as he spends a lot of time outdoors.

I think the non-removable battery concerns me in the Razr. I've never used a Samsung phone, but have had GREAT success with Motorola in the past.

My question is, with his birthday coming up before the release of the Razr (which he was hoping would be out by then), is the Bionic that much different as far as a "typical" smart phone user goes? He isn't a high-tech computer guy, so won't be doing much in the way of modification (I assume). I doubt he would even know what rooting is.

Thanks in advance for your input.
You could buy the phone from Best Buy and then you have 90 days to return it if he doesn't like it. If you get it from Verizon I think its only 14 days.

The Bionic is a very good phone, some people have had issues while others do not. I have been fairly lucky as my phone has been working well, with the occasional loss of data (but I'm pretty sure that was when VZW has having nationwide outages) and the headphone whine. The solution to the headphone whine is to use a set of bluetooth headphones :biggrin:.
Personally I would stay away from any phone that does not have a removable battery, 4G sucks down battery like crazy, which is why I picked up the extended battery (it is awesome, and still on sale for $26 @

I'm sure that he will love any of the options you have listed, but if you want the extra peace of mind I would get it from BB, just in case.
BTW this is a pretty awesome birthday present, how old is he going to be?
Thanks! If I already have him on our Verizon account, will Best Buy honor the NE2? I'm thinking I read on here, somewhere, that they don't.
If you do not have an account through Best Buy, you cannot use their deals on phones sadly. I tried before, and they said there was no way.

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I got mine through costco, but online because you do not have to be a member of costco to buy it online. They get your ne2, and it comes with a bunch of accessories: desk dock, car dock, extra battery, battery dock, extra charger, case, screen protectors, all included in the price as a bundle. Just call them right away to request to keep unlimited data if he has it. Also, search for the costco threads here, there is a lot of info there. Also, you can exchange within 90 days but you have to send back every thing.

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Not technical user? Why spend the big bucks? Get the Pantech Breakout. It got great reviews, and is 4g. A steal at $149, $99 after the $50 rebate.

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Now you say he's an outdoor guy? Another consideration would be the Casio G'zone. It's not 4g or anything, but it's getting great reviews and it is specifically designed for outdoorsy types. Waterproof, durable, and actually pretty cool looking. Just a thought. And though I LOVE my Bionic, it is a hefty price tag for a fancy phone as a birthday present. Other great phones are the D3 or the Incredible 2 (stay AWAY from the X2). Maybe just tell him on his birthday you want to get him a new phone and take him to the VZ store to let him pick something out?
Razr sounds like a phone for him. It's supposed to be water resistant and well built. I definitely wouldn't go with the Bionic unless you just want to spend less, which is perfectly fine.

Overall I personally think the Nexus will be the better phone, but from what you've told us, I think the Razr would fit best.
Thanks for all of the advice. I have to tell you, I went to Verizon, Saturday, to check out the suggestions here and.... I came home with a Bionic for ME! :byepalm:
Of all the negative things I have read on here, I have not experienced any of them....yet. I did take my son back yesterday and he has a couple in mind. He'll be doing some reading on the forums, as well.

Thanks again, folks!
Congrats on the new phone!

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