Should I get my son a Droid Bionic

OMG WUUUUT. He might be happier with is until he realizes that the Bionic is WAY better. The iPhone doesn't even have 4G. If you're going to get a Smartphone, might as well get a 4G phone that will last a really long time. The iPhone is going to be replaced by another iPhone within the next 2 or 3 years. After a few years, the Bionic will have sooo many different Roms that you can choose from and flash and it will be a brand new phone.

iPhone users always say they have a cool feature like Siri but Android is already developing a software similar to it called Iris. (Slap in the face to Crapple).

I suggested the Incredible 2 in another thread the old started.

There are 3G options IMO that are better choices.

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Can't go wrong with the Bionic it's a great phone, I bought mine 3 days before the Razr released. Only reason I didn't wait was the non-removable battery. This mornings OTA eliminated the camera issues which was my only real complaint.

If you decide to go the 3G route, I bought my son an X2 the same day I got my bionic and he is extremely pleased. Except for the lack of front facing camera (which he doesn't need) and less memory (I don't see this being a huge issue at this point) it's a very stable phone. My 2 ¢

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I guess a 3G phone is good for someone that is only 16. I use my phone for alot of emails and navigation so I use the data alot. But if your only on the phone for Facebook, texting, and findings answers to a test question, then I guess it would be fine. As long as you don't go the iPhone route.
OMG WUUUUT. He might be happier with is until he realizes that the Bionic is WAY better. The iPhone doesn't even have 4G. If you're going to get a Smartphone, might as well get a 4G phone that will last a really long time. The iPhone is going to be replaced by another iPhone within the next 2 or 3 years. After a few years, the Bionic will have sooo many different Roms that you can choose from and flash and it will be a brand new phone.

iPhone users always say they have a cool feature like Siri but Android is already developing a software similar to it called Iris. (Slap in the face to Crapple).

If he doesn't want to mod who cares what ROMs are available? I don't have the problem that others have had with data drop, but not being able to access Facebook to Twitter isn't much fun to a 16-year-old. And look at the threads about the Bionic camera vs the iPhone camera.

We've had Spinning Wheels on this forum get an iPhone because "it just works." Take a look at his thread at

If the kid intends to mod, then the Bionic is the way to go. It offers more on the onset than an iPhone (widgets, app drawer, an extended battery). Still, we don't know enough to know what he needs in a phone.
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The bionic is a nice device it much better with new update. I prefer the Razr but the bionic for 100 dollars that's not a bad deal for a 4g device

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To the OP; the January 2012 issue of Consumer Reports has good objective ratings of phones and carriers. It rates the Bionic as #1 for Verizon (although the Nexus and Razr looked good they had come out too late for the survey).

The magazine also shows what Android offers over Apple and vice versa. I did send a letter to them because they implied that Apple was better in the apps area because you just had to buy apps from iTunes whereas with Android you'd be giving your credit card number to several app sellers.
I went with the Bionic because of the removable battery and it felt good and solid in my hand. The Razr is sweet, but the nonremovable battery put me off. Once I found the right handbrake preset the screen works for me. The camera is 80% suck, but hopefully the update (which hasn't dropped for me) will fix the camera lag. Mostly the Bionic is a awesome phone.

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The apps in the apple market are more "Reliable" they say because they have to go through many tests and there aren't many developers out there. On the Android market on the other hand, there are many different dev and they don't need to go through as much testing. But what I like about Android phones is that you can download paid apps for free just by googleing them.
My husband and I, each, have a Bionic. We got our oldest (young adult) a Bionic for his birthday. I plan to purchase one for our 16.5 yo for Christmas. HOWEVER, it will have the Otterbox Defender on it when he opens it.This will be his second smart phone and he has proven that it's well worth the insurance to carry on the thing. He's dropped, banged, chipped, cracked, dunked, and shattered his phones. The Bionic will be as protected as possible with the Defender! The case makes it really bulky, but it's the only way he's going to be permitted to carry it. If he comes to me with a shattered screen or chipped phone, I will know that he didn't follow our rules and he will get to pay the insurance co-pay to replace it.

I think the Bionic is an awesome piece of equipment and your son would be thrilled to get one. Just make sure it has a really strong/protective case and be sure to splurge on the insurance!

My humble opinion, of course!
Keep us posted...
Thanks all. iPhone, phfff, I don't come here for that kind of advice :)

Fortunately not only are we grandfathered in to unlimited data, we actually get it for $10 per month due to that offer that was around a while ago.
Thanks all. iPhone, phfff, I don't come here for that kind of advice :)

Fortunately not only are we grandfathered in to unlimited data, we actually get it for $10 per month due to that offer that was around a while ago.
Good to hear.

I have that $10 unlimited deal too. ... what a gift that was. Let's make sure we are very careful to keep that deal grandfathered. ;)
so you guy get unlimited smartphone data for less than 29.99?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Warning. Dissenting opinion forthcoming. If you can't handle reading something negative about the Bionic, stop reading.

You have been warned.

(Reposted from another similar thread, in case the OP didn't see that thread)

The Bionic is a great phone if you want a never ending "hobby kit" phone... one you will continuously have to jack with to get it to connect to 3g or 4g data signal if you live in area where it needs to switch back and forth between the two.

If you don't care about that, and you like the feeling of being "smarter" than everyone else because you know exactly what the right procedure is to get your phone to recover because the phone cannot recover on it's own, then this will be a great phone for you.

If you have lowered expectations about what a phone that's "worth it" to you should be, then yes, the Bionic is the phone for you.

I would recommend trying one of the newer phones out before advising spending money on the Bionic, because no matter how cheap it is, because even if they gave this phone away, using it is annoying as crap when it refuses to connect. It makes you want to throw it against the wall, which I probably would have done if it was free.

Just my opinion.
I have no problem with the dissenting opinion but I always find it so odd that people's opinions are so widely different. You often find something that everyone says is crap, but to see something so praised by some and bashed by others over similar parameters makes it tough.

The net though is that this phone is for a 16yo and I don't want to buy the latest/greatest (My Nexus will be in pocket today :))