I have no problem with the dissenting opinion but I always find it so odd that people's opinions are so widely different. You often find something that everyone says is crap, but to see something so praised by some and bashed by others over similar parameters makes it tough.
The net though is that this phone is for a 16yo and I don't want to buy the latest/greatest (My Nexus will be in pocket today)
In 2005 I got a Prius. At that time they were as rare as hen's teeth. On a Prius forum there were threads about how horrible the seats were and how they were in pain after 30 minutes. We'd find out later that they saw a Prius on the lot and, without a test drive, bought it on the spot. Later conversation showed that they were either too tall or large for the OEM seats. Others (like me) had no problems with the seats can could drive for a long time without discomfort.
Who was right about the seats? Both were, as it applies to them. The opinions here are subjective; we don't live in the same area. We don't have the same requirements in a phone. We don't even have the same apps. Some are rooting as soon as they get the Bionic, others are waiting. I'd expect widely different opinions. After all, even a modest search on these forums have people loving the Bionic and people frustrated with it.
That being said, if I had a phone based on my needs rather than my wants, I'd still have my Moto E815. :blink:
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