

Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Hey every one I'm looking for a good Bluetooth for my dink2 I would like to have one that I can listen to music with but not have to buy the 100$ ones for both ears

Sent from my ADR6350 using DroidForums app will let you do this. I had a bear of a time getting my bluetooth to work with my bt-250 bluetooth (extra loud for truck driving), but once I got it set up that app will let you turn ANY bluetooth into a music listening device. Nothing like walkin' through your wallyworld listening to music at 3 in the morning. Feels like your in your own movie with sound track playing in background...not to self, don't sing to the music, no one else knows your listening to music on your bluetooth.
I don't know if you are still looking but I recommend the "Jawbone Era", It is the best bluetooth I have ever owned. I bought mine for about $70 and well worth every penny, It works best using the jabra ear gels.
I love my MW600 from Sony. Had it for almost 2 years now and works like a champ. Battery is awesome on it as well. I think I paid $40 for mine off of amazon.