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[BOOT]animation by chkmate...the beginning!!!

Can you just e-mail me the .zip file?? send it to either sfd@stephen-daniels.com or kushpancake@gmail.com


Here, try this. I will pull it after you grab it.

Ok, got it! Thanks a lot! So I just follow your instructions you sent me earlier on how to load the boot logo right?


Copy to root of SD card

Reboot in to Clockwork via Bootstrap

Install zip from sdcard

choose zip from sdcard

Navigate to zip and select

Select "yes."
Is there an easy way to add sound to boot animation by dropping audio files into either either system/media or data/local files using root explorer? my boot animation is in my system media file and works fine. I dropped unzipped audio files, both mp3 and ogg into system/media and data/local but still no audio. something strange happened though, the annoying sound I believe connected to the sd card has disappeared. do I need to edit the desc.txt file in the boot animation zip?

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hey tried loading the boot logo and it just gets stuck installing the boot logo... can you double check the logo.bin file size and see if thats the cause of my problem....
hey tried loading the boot logo and it just gets stuck installing the boot logo... can you double check the logo.bin file size and see if thats the cause of my problem....

I just installed it and it worked fine. Check the zip above this post and your

post. Download that one. It might have been corrupt. The logo is small, but

that is the max size I can make it.

And remember, if it stays on the install screen you have to hit the power button

once to back out a screen so you can reboot.
Sure, you can post it! I'll send you the originals in 3 colors if you'd like... Then I can take some requests to customize them for people if that would be alright?
I still cannot get this damn LogoReplacer.zip to install.... errrrrr, very frustrated right now. Any suggestions?

I don't know what your doing. By the looks of your PM your trying to use frhed

hex editor. You use that to make your own logo's not install one that I've already

made for you. Use the instructions on the top of this page to install, post #211. Once

you have the zip on your file it is very simple. You DO NOT need your computer

after moving the zip to the SD card of your phone. I don't wanna sound rude buddy

but your not reading the instructions. You PM where you had 1-4 instructions typed

out was for Army Dudes step by step to make your own logo. I've already made it for you.

So heres thin install instructions one last time>>>

-Download the zip file above from post #213

-Then copy it from your computer (immediately) to the SD card on your phone. Do NOT edit it!!!

-Reboot phone into Clockwork using Boostrap Recovery for Droid X.

-In menu screen select "install zip from sdcard."

-In the next screen Select "choose zip from sdcard."

-Then scroll down to the zip file named>>> kush_LogoReplacer.zip and hit your camera button to select.

-Then scroll down to "yes" and hit camera button to select.

-It will load quickly. After the progress bar stops moving hit you "power" button once to back out a screen.

-Then at the top of screen it will say "reboot phone now." Hit the camera button on that and it will reboot.
Question or suggestion for ya chkmate...

can you take the spun Droid Does part and then move into the linux red for a finish?

the spun bootani is great, just thinkin it would look cool to go from the droid does to the linux and finish with red eye of the other one...

just an idea. maybe would make it too long.

I might be able to handle that in the next couple days :)

//Tap'd on CM8's DX w/DF app\\

Just checking to see if you ever dove into this idea or not. I am getting up to speed on a few other things and if you havent I may go ahead and combine them myself here soon with your permission of course...
Are there any tutorials on how to do this. Or is there someone that will help me make one. I already have what I want, now I just need to make it a bootanimation.zip file.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Are there any tutorials on how to do this. Or is there someone that will help me make one. I already have what I want, now I just need to make it a bootanimation.zip file.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Do you have both a part0 and part1 folder? How many images in each and how is your desc.txt file set up?

//Tap'd on CM8's DX\\
Question or suggestion for ya chkmate...

can you take the spun Droid Does part and then move into the linux red for a finish?

the spun bootani is great, just thinkin it would look cool to go from the droid does to the linux and finish with red eye of the other one...

just an idea. maybe would make it too long.

I might be able to handle that in the next couple days :)

//Tap'd on CM8's DX w/DF app\\

Just checking to see if you ever dove into this idea or not. I am getting up to speed on a few other things and if you havent I may go ahead and combine them myself here soon with your permission of course...

No I haven't and I'm very sorry for not doing so. And yes you can do whatever you want with it. Mix it up however. But if they were my images I would like a lil credit;)

//Tap'd on CM8's DX\\
Do you have both a part0 and part1 folder? How many images in each and how is your desc.txt file set up?

Okay, hang on for this one. The logo folder is just the DarkSlide boot logo. I'm assuming that the "DROID" and "SPIN" folders are my 0 and 1. As for the rest, I am all ears!

LOGO folder - DroidCyex320x480_P_00000 - DroidCyex320x480_P_00014

DROID folder -has a DroidCyex320x480_P_00015(png) -

SPIN folder - DroidCyex320x480_P_00061 - DroidCyex320x480_P_00090

DESC file -

# 320 wide, 480 high, 15 frames a second
320 480 15

# p means we're defining a part
# first number is repeat count, 0 means infinite
# second number is delay in frames before performing the next part
# so if you are playing 15 frames a second 15 would be... one second
# string defines the directory to load files from
# files will be loaded in order but names don't matter

# s defines a sound for a part
# sounds will be loaded from /system/media
# oggs with loop points will loop automatically
# only one sound will play at a time
# timing is driven by the part, not the sounds
# if you want no sound, say nothing

# logo
p 1 0 logo

# droid
p 1 0 droid
s droid.ogg

# spin forever
p 0 0 spin

# must have newline after each part
Ok. So I make new folders droid and spin, split up my files the way I want.

Change my desc to:
480 320 (still waiting on FPS)

p 1 0 droid
s (if I want one)

P 0 0 spin

Then zip it up. Copy and replace,Right? Also I don't need a logo file ssince I am currently using a zipfile for my logo custom made by nattybee I think.
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