Bootloader unlocked!

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I believe this is true because all the stuff that is related on this has been pulled
Shovels. But I have all the keys and all the copies of the info before it was pulled
If this was not true they would not care if the stuff is posted or not
Myself I am further research into this process
Moto is behind the hiding of this

They never sent any legal threats either. He has been trolling the whole time & is now admitting to it. Claims it has gotten out of hand.


17:06:46 | tihiy: well it seems he copied C&D from here:
17:06:56 | nenolod: tihiy: no, from a different site
17:07:01 | nenolod: tihiy: it had to do with hosting

Edit2: A picture Koush took:
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It was discovered to be fake last night... not sure why people were still thinking it was real.
Booooo what an a$$ douche. Sheesh...

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
I have to say even if Moto lawyers jumped on this doesn't make it true.... or mean that they were in the ballpark. whether not a c&d was given, id say that the hacking community is very knowledgeable and this hacking can get pretty tedious. Wouldnt be a shocker if it was hacked... It wouldnt be surprising that the legal team jumped on this before the moto software techs even had a chance to even look into this. legit or not, it looked legit and thats all that would take Moto to kind of try to pad itself. What we really should get out of this is how quick Moto responded if they did infact give a c&d order.... They must have eyes everywhere. Everyone read up on this after the order was given so that means they have people watching for this.
I don't think he was trolling. I think he's saving face by SAYING he was trolling, when he had just made a really inaccurate and (un)educated guess about something he thought was true.
i hope everyone here is beginning to realize the futility of trying to find a workaround for this bootloader...i've said it before, android devs are good, but they are not gods. you're not going to just stumble on some way to workaround that type of encryption. it sucks that people spend their hard earned money to donate to these types who claim to get this bootloader freedom crap, but its honestly not something you just "discover". that type of encryption has never been broken, never been worked around. like i said before, it's not going to be an obscure bunch of android developers who do something like that...

this neolod guy sounds like a loser, and he's probably made money off the people who want this to happen...i'm saying it's not going to happen, so please stop donating for this. if you're donating to help a dev, that's great. but dont give your money to people who say they're going to unlock a bootloader...

I think it's a good time to revisit this post I wrote way back when...Can we stop with the Droid X bootloader already?

The X is an awesome phone, as the Bionic will be. But custom ROMs are not happening on the X, and we don't know how the bionic is going to be yet. I'm still holding out hope that they make it unlockable, but I doubt it...
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