THANK YOU FOR THAT.......Just 2 follow-up's?????
I haven't heard of "Being kicked off the OTA path" ?? I know exactly what you mean, I just didn't realize that was something they actually did??? Now I'm GUESSING that you can still get the updates, etc....You are just saying that you will not receive any type of notification, nor be able to get the update this way???
Just asking for an opinion? Do you think they would really follow through with "Kicking you off the system" ???
Oh, and 1 last..sorry...Say you do unlock, change you Kernel or something. I am GUESSING, based on what has been said, you would NOT want to be on the OTA path, rather get any update manually, so that the check never takes place.......OR...If it's some update you REALLY WANT/NEED, you would have the opportunity to return it to it's original configuration.
THAT SAID: When I ask for opinion about being "Kicked Off"...Would you think they would issue some type of warning, you could return it to it's original configuration, and then be back in the Great and ALL Powerful VZW's "Good Graces"...