What about a connection fee or activation fee any one know if they are charging more. I went on their form and it does include the 32 gig card and is 249 with pre order but what other fees can they come up with
I just spoke to a sales rep at the BB store in Arlington, VA and he said that the phone would come with the 32GB SD card and there would be no activation or any other fees.
I'm month to month and I anticipate replacing the TB within 6 - 12 months because IMHO, much better phones will be available. (iPhone5 with 4.3" Retina display, LTE 4G, Talk & Surf, etc.)

1. Verizon 2 year contract = $249.99
2. Verizon 1 year contract = ?
3. BB = Pre-order, 2 year = $249.99 with Buy Back ($59.99).
4. Buying at MSRP ($750) - and selling when I'm ready for another phone has been suggested but I don't believe it's best for me.)
At this point BB appears to be best future proofing option, but I must clarify whether the buy back price is the MSRP of the TB at the time of purchase or the normal BB non-sale price and whether there will, be a restocking fee.
BB defines "purchase price" in their Buy Back contract as: "Purchase price for mobile phones refers to the Best Buy regular retail price prior to any specific carrier-based rebates, offers, discounts, or promotions." Is that $299.99 or $750?
The Sales rep at BB told me that the Buy Back price would be the MSRP of the new phone minus 40 or 50% (in my case) of the TB MSRP when I purchased it. Either way, without a 1 year contract option at Verizon, Best Buy Buy Back seems to be the best option. Any advice/opinions