As far as the camera goes, it does okay for what it is. But, you have to remember; Just because it's a 5MP camera doesn't mean it's going to take stellar DSLR type photos. All it means is, that the pictures will have a higher resolution (more pixels) than your standard 1MP or 2MP cell phone camera. Turn your Droid around, and look at that little lens. It is a tiny, fixed focal length lens designed to take quick snapshots of something you might want to upload to Facebook or MySpace. The CMOS sensor for the camera, which does all of the work, mind you, is just good enough to take a decent 5MP snapshot.. There is no aperture, shutter speed, or other settings, that can be set manually. The "scene" selection menu lets you select a "mode" for shooting which is, a pre programmed shutter/aperture setting, and when you click, you get what you get. (If you want a non-blurred action photo of Johnny scoring that goal, a settting of f/4.5, 1/1200 at ISO 200, is beyond the Droid's capabilities. You'll get that photo, but it will most likely be blurry) I like the fact that it does macro, and has adjustable picture quality, from super fine to normal. The zoom, however, is digital, not optical, so all that does is enlarge the pixel size, but washes out any detail. In order for zoom to work well, and look good, it has to be optical.
Overall, it does a good job for what it is. A phone camera. The photos are a bit sharper, the color depth is a bit better,than say, a photo from a flip phone, or something. I have used it when I needed a quick shot of something, and didn't feel like hauling out my camera bag. I've been a photographer for about 15 years, and love it.(
Tim Metzger - TimChgo9 Member Profile on ) The fact that my Droid will take 5MP snapshots, I think, is a great thing. The photos could be a tad better, but software patches only do so much, the lens is one of the bigger deciding factors as far as photo quality goes...oh yeah, the person taking the photo is the other big deciding factor.........