Thanks for the quick response! What if someone uses it for a week or so and hands their mind, or puts it on the first day, give it a good chance, then decides they want the keyboard? Someone who realizes right away that this isn't for them has to pay $15 extra to be happy with something that already costs so much?
That's like eating at a fancy restaurant and ordering something you've never tried. You take one bite, and can't take it. You ask to exchange it, and they charge you extra? The same amount as the guy who ate the whole thing before complaining? No. They replace the dish. And that costs them money. You've got buyers lined up now, so the only $ you might lose with an exchange is shipping costs, which, as I stated before shouldn't be $15 even both ways...
Seems like since we were willing to take a chance on you, the least you could do is come up with a serious exchange policy like any other business. I had 30 days with this phone, and it cost a lot more than $60.
Just my 2 cents, by it doesn't quite seem right to me to play it off like you're doing all 12 original investors a solid by charging them more to get a different version of this yet-to-be-seen product when you've got people lined up that'd gladly take a case that has no signs of use in a week rather than have to wait at least a month to be able to order it...
I will talk to my producer about your comments, because unfortunately I don't make the rules. But you do have a valid point, i'll see what he has to say. Although, I think at a restaurant if you order something and you don't like it, thats just too bad. I've never been at a restaurant myself where I could exchange something for a different entree for free because I didn't enjoy it. Perhaps it has to do with entree's varying in prices. The only time a restaurant will change your order if you don't like it is if there is something wrong with it, an example is steak, if it isn't done enough to your liking they will just take it to the back and throw it back on the grill longer. Or if it is too done they will just grill a new one. Not arguing with you, just sharing the other sides point as well.