Chris, I don't want you to think that I'm attacking you. Simply protecting my investment. Thought $60 isn't a lot for me to spend elsewhere, it IS a hefty chunk to spend on something that's going to serve the same basic function of a product I can get for a small fraction of the price. Granted, that product won't be CF, but the point remains.
We've put our trust in you without much to go, and would just like some serious progress updates. (speaking for myself, but I imagine some others would agree)
As you stated multiple times, you're "taking a hit" on development and prototype production, so I'm sure you can understand where those of us who actually invested in this project are coming from.
Unless I missed it while skimming through this entire thread just now, we haven't ever heard the company name, we haven't seen the website that was supposed to be up by now, and we haven't seen pictures of the prototype (slightly understandable if it's still being tweaked), and we haven't seen pics of the iPhone cases that you promised.
We just want to know what direction this is headed in, since you didn't have much of an idea when we all paid you. I know, on my part, I'm just hoping that you've come up with something as great as you've promised as far as ideas go, and would like to see what's going on.
You made a promise of pictures of a prototype and said you'd like feedback from us, as well as stating that cases only take a few days to make.
I'm not asking to see pics of a finished product, but I'd kinda like to see some "behind the scenes" pics of what's being worked on/tried out during the development process.
Perhaps you've got an idea that has been tried and decided not to go with that the majority of your investors would like and could give you input on...
We've put our trust in you without much to go, and would just like some serious progress updates. (speaking for myself, but I imagine some others would agree)
As you stated multiple times, you're "taking a hit" on development and prototype production, so I'm sure you can understand where those of us who actually invested in this project are coming from.
Unless I missed it while skimming through this entire thread just now, we haven't ever heard the company name, we haven't seen the website that was supposed to be up by now, and we haven't seen pictures of the prototype (slightly understandable if it's still being tweaked), and we haven't seen pics of the iPhone cases that you promised.
We just want to know what direction this is headed in, since you didn't have much of an idea when we all paid you. I know, on my part, I'm just hoping that you've come up with something as great as you've promised as far as ideas go, and would like to see what's going on.
You made a promise of pictures of a prototype and said you'd like feedback from us, as well as stating that cases only take a few days to make.
I'm not asking to see pics of a finished product, but I'd kinda like to see some "behind the scenes" pics of what's being worked on/tried out during the development process.
Perhaps you've got an idea that has been tried and decided not to go with that the majority of your investors would like and could give you input on...