Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but there is no longer performance settings (setting voltages etc) in this ROM, and the notification pull down is off by default. You have to turn it on.
Sent from my GalaxyNexus using Tapatalk
nope you got it correct and thank you. i read the change logg and figured they were there and been banging my head trying to understand why they werent. ive been to the wiki site reading thru 239+ pages in the thread for this rom and i havent found the info that they were taken out. my buddy has v1.0.1 and he had the performance settings and i thought that was kick a&&. also i have tried to find the setting to turn on the pull down widgets and couldnt figure it out?
like i said i was going off the change logg and what ive seen on another device?
* Galaxy Nexus: revert turning off bluetooth hotswaping (Pete - Buggless Beast)
### 1.1.0
* Common: long press volume when screen locked to skip tracks (cm)
* Common: custom app for sms on lockscreen (romanbb)
* Common: update to add hex color input the color picker (romanbb - modded by CND)
* Common: Add Screenshot Option on Power Menu (CM - but modified for 4.0.3)
* Common: Switched to prebuilt Superuser (there are still a few issues in the from source branch)
* Common: Switched to xoomdev's battery percentage (now battery mod friendly)
* Common: Fixed Galaxy Live strings (Bugless Beast)
* Common: disabled hot bluetooth switching to stop massive battery drain O_O
* Common: Added the ability to customize the grid size in the launcher (Danesh M)
* Common: updated Google Apps (CND originally built off of Kejars gapps)
* Common: all devices now support the camera effects
* Common: Updated all dicts for ICS (blunden)
* Common: added support for init.d
* Common: fixed overlap battery % and charging symbol when plugged in
* Common: fixed YouTube force close
* Common: removed performance settings since some had some issue
* Galaxy Nexus (GSM): Now distinguishes between 3G and hspa
* Galaxy Nexus (CDMA): Compatability with verizon wireless apps fixed (MyVerizon, NFL Mobile)
* Nexus S (3G/4G): Fist build
* Nexus S (3G/4G): First build
* Xoom (3G/4G/WiFi): First build
### 1.0.1
*Common: Build.prop update for better market compatibility
### 1.0.0
* Common: Built off of clean Android 4.0.3 source (Google)
* Common: Resurrected Android Screen Candy/Android Screen Savers (when charging - display settings) - codenamedroid
* Common: Reboot menu w/Hotboot (restart) - CM/Liquid0624
* Common: Pulldown toggles w/LTE toggle - cvpcs/pedlar/gsarrica/CM
* Common: Updateed the pulldown toggles background w/ICS styling (looks cleaner) - codenamedroid
* Common: Camera smooth zoom - jdkoreclipse
* Common: NavBar customization - Danesh
* Common: Custom NavBar controls color - romanbb
* Common: Customize your carrier label - romanbb
* Common: Center/Hide/AM-PM Styles/Color Clock Options - romanbb
* Common: Centered lockscreen widgets - codenamedroid
* Common: Phone and Messaging on Lockscreen - xoomdev (images by WJD Designs)
* Common: Quad Targets w/Hidden Unlock button on the bottom - codenamedroid (thanks to Link for the idea
* Common: Switch Sound Toggle for Camera on the lockscreen - codenamedroid
* Common: Decreased wait time for rotation - KeJar/XoomDev
* Common: Launcher based on Trebuchet (nebkat) but with extra tweaks and changes - codenamedroid
* Common: Enable/Disable Alarm Icon in the statusbar - romanbb
* Common: Automatic Backlight settings - CM
* Common: Option to disable/enable menu to unlock - romanbb
* Common: Overclocking settings - CM7
* Common: Voltage control settings - KeJar/JRummy
* Common: Battery percentage settings - romanbb
* Common: Option for persistat menu button in navigation bar - romanbb modified by codenamedroid
* Common: Real rotation lock using the ICS API - jonasl
* Common: Toggle for CRT off animation - romanbb
* Common: LCD-optimized text rendering - cyanogen
* Common: Allow system user to modify cpufreq control files - NameLessJedi
* Common: Accept all flie types for inbound bluetooth file transfers - vianney
* Common: Download any file type - eddieringle
* Common: OI FileManager (compiled with the ICS SDK) - GummyNex
* Common: Dialpad: perform search when retrieving last dialled number - ntfreak
* Common: Add support for Caller Name Display - kenshin
* Common: Facebook sync - romanbb
* Common: T9 Dialer - CM
* Common: CNDSettings - codenamedroid
(layout originally based off of Pedlar/Danesh/alankila's work - all other features
except notification widgets, backlight, and onscreen controls added in and reworked by codenamedroid)
* Galaxy Nexus: LED pulse options (color/duration/frequency) - romanbb
* Galaxy Nexus: Hardware Rendering by default - KalimochoAz
* Galaxy Nexus: kernel compiled from imoseyon's leanKernel source 3.0.16 - imoseyon
* Nexus S (3G/4G): Long Press Home to Kill - nebkat/CM
* Nexus S (4G): Fix file downloads via browser over WiMax - burnsra
* Xoom (WiFi): Lots of device configuration changes- Takazumi Matsumoto/Neil Perry