I have installed and it works great. However, I have downloaded but after I go through the routine of checking google apps, backing up, wiping data and clearing cache, etc, when I select "ok" "to reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery and continue the installation" nothing happens. I've tried manually rebooting. Still no installation. Any ideas?
me too...i have no idea what to do...been waiting for a reply
Can you install manually through clockwork recovery?
i just pulled the battery and when i rebooted was loaded.
Dont know what was wrong but hey....i'll take it.

side note...with all the roms i've been trying out i'm starting to load up on backups...can somebody tell me how to get rid of some? do i need to plug my phone into my computer and get rid of them that way or can i use astro or rootexplorer to do it?