Keep in mind, this is very likely a case of when you hear about everyone having bad experiences because they come here to complain but you don't hear about many if at all of the people that got a new CLNR D1.
Note: I had my D1 replaced several months ago and the CLNR D1 I got has been perfectly fine. Aside from the camera button flaking off the gold again. :-/
Even if you are 100% correct, don't you think there are WAY too many people that have been getting bad CLNRs? Let's say there are 100 times as many people getting perfectly good replacements on their first try, you don't think the number that have gone through multiple replacements aren't too many?
I will give Verizon the benefit of the doubt and say that it's acceptable if it takes you 2 replacement phones to get an acceptable phone. However even 1 person taking more than 2 is too many. I will be sending back my 3rd today. I think a functional phone isn't too much to ask, but I guess you do.