Alrighty, first post. Joined up on the site just to post in this thread

Just wanted to say I'm very excited about what you are doing. Having tried a bunch of different cut-and-paste roms, I got sick of how bloated and unstable they all are. Tried Cyanogen but it reminded me of Gentoo Linux, great idea but too much fluff.
While I'm still running an OTA 2.1 build (was going to switch to yours but knowing FroYo was going to hit AOSP soon I didn't feel like having to start from scratch twice) w/the usual tweaks all done by hand (HQ YouTube, Ring Delay, Camera Quality + Sounds, etc etc etc), I'm VERY much looking forward to your FroYo release.
Ok, all that out of the way, I do have 2 questions:
1) On your page for the FroYo build (I won't go posting the link to it since I'm sure people would start flooding it, lol. Pretty simple to figure out though), you list it as an FRF57 build. I thought the final build was FRF83 according to the new OTA that's hitting Nexus One's?
2) This is probably a dumb question that I already know the answer to, but basebands aren't something that's out there with the source correct? Those have to come directly from the manufacturer in an OTA? I simply ask because I know the latest one that was leaked for the Droid is definitely not official, and there's no way I'm going to update until the official one is out, just wasn't sure if I'd be waiting on Motorola for that.
Also, just a neat observation about the C_01.3E.03P baseband. When I got sick of cut and paste roms (aka BB) and the direction they're heading (seriously, Koush is a great guy, but RomManager was the worst idea ever. Giving kiddies easy access to root without them knowing how it actually works = uhg), I RSDLite'd (yes, it's a verb, lol), back to 2.0.1, and OTA'd from there, then did the RSDLite root for 2.1. I noticed after doing all this my signal strength SUCKED, and I would CONSTANTLY drop 3G. So I did a little digging, and found the old baseband update I had posted on AllDroid (tehst3ve's that I updated with the official radio files), and flashed that. Low and behold, the radio improved 10 fold. Now I know there were a few different versions of the ESE81 update pushed out OTA, so I'm wondering if the baseband had an undocumented change w/no version number change in the latest one.
Again, just an interesting observation for any of you having signal issues w/the latest (official) baseband.
Phew, that was a wall of text. Now I'll go back to waiting patiently for your FroYo build