Two Releases Two Days, Froyo Anyone? - Sapphire 0.6.0

From the change log under 0.6.1.

Switched to bekit's kernel [bekit]
seems to provide more stability for wifi. also includes various other
modules that weren't included before

I was more wondering what the various other modules thing was about. I've been using jdlfg and WiFi has been great and stable. I too had issues with WiFi and P3's as well as Chevy's kernels. Just wondering what bekit is providing extra (besides the 125 MHz low end). I'm kind of a fan of the conservative setcpu setting and that's in jdlfg, hopefully it's implemented in bekit too.

Still 10 minutes on my download. Stupid MediaFire.
Successful boot!! Looks good to go so far.

Even though I was coming from a Chevy Froyo, I decided to do a total wipe first since I haven't done one in a while.
Tapatalk Pro refuses to load. Not sure if I'm the first person to report the issue or not.
Tapatalk Pro refuses to load. Not sure if I'm the first person to report the issue or not.

Tapatalk pro loaded when i was on 0.6.0, and no one else reported it as a problem when 0.6.0 was out, but now they've updated to 0.6.2. Try updating to that and see if it helps you. No wipe is necessary, but it could only help.
Just thought I would mention that none of the Ustream apps work on this ROM.