New Member
I recently (5days ago) updated my droid to the razr m. We had an unlimited data plan w/ limited minutes and texts. In order to upgrade our phones they made us change
our plan (buying a block of data). I have 2 gigs shared and use my home wifi when I am there. i have a few questions that phone tech support didnt have the patience for so I would like to ask them here.
1) When I turn wifi on (while at home) am I supposed to leave mobile data on as well?
2) I can not send picture texts w/ wifi on but data off. I get confused b/c the mobile data usage shows text messaging as data. Are they really showing me data usage when i am on my own wifi? My "usage details" on verizonwireless has not updated in 2 days so I cannot figure it out that way.
3) is picture/video text using my limited data if I am not at home wifi? The way it was explained to me is turn wifi on at home but leave data on. texts dont use data but data must be on to send pictures. That confuses me. On the "shared data" for my verizon it has updated usage and it is now saying we used 10 more mb yesterday. That was the pictures i was sending as a test to see if it costs us data and it seems to have... I am really confused.
Could someone please tell me the best way to use my home wifi as the sole data usage when I am home. Thanks!!!
I recently (5days ago) updated my droid to the razr m. We had an unlimited data plan w/ limited minutes and texts. In order to upgrade our phones they made us change
our plan (buying a block of data). I have 2 gigs shared and use my home wifi when I am there. i have a few questions that phone tech support didnt have the patience for so I would like to ask them here.
1) When I turn wifi on (while at home) am I supposed to leave mobile data on as well?
2) I can not send picture texts w/ wifi on but data off. I get confused b/c the mobile data usage shows text messaging as data. Are they really showing me data usage when i am on my own wifi? My "usage details" on verizonwireless has not updated in 2 days so I cannot figure it out that way.
3) is picture/video text using my limited data if I am not at home wifi? The way it was explained to me is turn wifi on at home but leave data on. texts dont use data but data must be on to send pictures. That confuses me. On the "shared data" for my verizon it has updated usage and it is now saying we used 10 more mb yesterday. That was the pictures i was sending as a test to see if it costs us data and it seems to have... I am really confused.
Could someone please tell me the best way to use my home wifi as the sole data usage when I am home. Thanks!!!