So then you must be against paying sales tax? Perhaps you are against paying any kinds of taxes? Look, we've been paying sales tax on everything we buy...I don't see anyone crying foul when they buy a new tv and pay 110 bucks in taxes. Electronic media is still a purchase. It is still giving you ownership of something that is *sold*. This is just an example of the government moving at the pace of a snail and finally catching up to mainstream society and how we operate these days. The lead-in to this story is a bit skewed calling the state "cash strapped" - really? I'd be surprised if ANY state isn't cash strapped these days...25 states already do similar things, according to the real article linked in the first post.
The simple fact is the government does NOT rely on me saying "are you really complaining about $0.06" - it relies on various forms taxes. Period. Yes there are limits to these and different people have different thresholds for what they deem fair. This is NOT a new tax, it is an adjustment to the way we live today - digitally. You've paid it in the stores before iTunes and other online music/gaming vendors were in existence...So now you don't go to the stores because it is convenient - but why should WHERE you buy it (online/in person) have any bearing on taxes?
Just for the record I hate plenty of taxes too. I HATE personal property taxes - paying yearly for something I own and have already paid sales tax on is ludicrous! See, I can be reasonable too ;-)
Listen, our country went to war with the world's superpower of the time, England, over a 4% tax. They considered that to be outrageous enough that it was the straw that broke the camel's back and they were willing to fight and die over it.
Fast forward 250 years and here we are, the average American middle class person paying 50% of their annual income in taxes... Income at the Fed and State level, payroll taxes, property taxes, all sorts of other taxes... Realistically, all of us are working from January to July 1st without pay. The first 6 months of the year we work for free, just to pay for all of the taxes we will pay for that year.
Only from July 1 to the end of the year do we get to keep what we work for.
At some point you have to ask yourself, how much is enough? Why does government even have the right to tax anything and everything, whenever they want, and if they waste money they can just confiscate more? When does it end?
Today, almost half of America doesn't pay income taxes. The burden of taxes keeps shifting more and more to a dwindling pool of workers. At some point, it has to stop. The government is doing all sorts of things that it has no business doing, whether we want them to or not, and they keep sticking us with the check. Enough already.