U have to aspire to greater things than just whatever is left over. Life isn't That long, so you have to do whatever you can using everything you've learned to acquire the things u want and be able to enjoy them for the small amount of time that you'll be able to.
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We should, but the reality is that the majority of the population, by virtue of the public education system, has been dumbed down and programmed to rely on government for nearly everything. We think that the government is supposed to run everything, control everything, dictate and limit everything, protect us, feed us, give us housing, the list goes on. And these things cost money. So the government is more than willing to expand itself, take on these burdens and send us the bill.
The more of our money they have, the more they control us and what we do. The less of our money that we have, the more we have to look to them to get through the day. Our relying on them, transfers immense power and wealth to them and keeps them in control.
Instead of a ruling class of nobles or whatever, we have allowed ourselves to create a ruling class of politicians. People that time and again go into politics and work "for the people", and leave office a millionaire several times over while we are losing jobs and our homes...
But sure, go ahead and add more taxes. What's another tax at this point?