I need this because I'm a Nascar driver...when I get on those big oval tracks, I keep getting lost and can never find my way back to my pit. My crew chief keeps yelling at me "Just keep turning left, you'll find the damn pit road entrance"!!! I tell him "chill out, I'll be there in about 13 seconds", then I pass pit road again. Those circles can get confusing. Don't get me started on road courses, I never know where I'm at, all those left turns are fine (i'm used to those) but then you throw in all the right turns and the hills....woah, talking about brain overload!! This tool would definetly help me find my crew and pit road. The only way I find it now is to drive around until I run out of gas and have the Tow Truck come haul me back to my pit!!!! I could do without the embarassment. If this thing works really well, maybe it will help me find my pit and if I'm really lucky, the checkered flag one day. Thanks!!